windows xp-sp3 beep and exitprocess shellcode
this shellcode is using API call "Beep" which is in kernel32.dll
adress of this API is 7C837A8Fh
adress of exitprocess is 7C81CAFAh
here is assembler code using Intel sintax and MASM32
-------------------- begin----------------
.model flat, STDCALL
xor eax,eax
mov eax,7C837A8Fh ;putting address of beep call
push 200h ; frequency
push 200h ; lenght
call eax ; calling beep
xor eax,eax ; setting 0 to eax register
mov eax,7C81CAFAh ; putting address of exitprocess call
call eax ;calling exitprocess
end start
if we disassemle this code with olly debugger we will get following
00401000 > $ 33C0 XOR EAX,EAX ; |
00401002 . B8 8F7A837C MOV EAX,kernel32.Beep ; |
00401007 . 68 00040000 PUSH 400 ; |/Duration = 1024. ms
0040100C . 68 00030000 PUSH 300 ; ||Frequency = 300 (768.)
00401011 . FFD0 CALL EAX ; |\Beep
00401013 . 33C0 XOR EAX,EAX ; |
00401015 . B8 FACA817C MOV EAX,kernel32.ExitProcess ; |
0040101A . FFD0 CALL EAX ; \ExitProcess
and here is the shellcode