OG Menu 6.x-2.0 XSS Vulnerability
This disclosure has also been posted at http://madirish.net/?article=467
Description of Vulnerability:
- -----------------------------
Drupal (http://drupal.org) is a robust content management system (CMS)
written in PHP and MySQL. The Drupal OG Menu module
(http://drupal.org/project/og_menu) "allows users to manage menus by
Organic Groups." The OG Menu module contains a cross site scripting
(XSS) vulnerability due to the fact that it fails to sanitize menu
descriptions before display.
Systems affected:
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Drupal 6.16 with OG Menu 6.x-2.0 was tested and shown to be vulnerable
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User could inject arbitrary scripts into pages affecting site users.
This could result in administrative account compromise leading to web
server process compromise.
Mitigating factors:
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In order to execute the proof of concept described below malicious users
must have 'Administer og menu' permission.
Proof of Concept:
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1. Install Drupal 6.16, Organic Groups module and OG Menu module
2. Create or view a piece of content in an organic group
3. Click on the 'Menu' link to view ?q=node/XX/og_menu where XX is the
node id
4. Click the 'Add Menu' link to view ?q=node/XX/og_menu/add
5. Fill in arbitrary values for the 'Menu name' and 'Title', enter
"<script>alert('xss');</script>" in the 'Description' text area
6. Click the 'Save' button
7. View the menu at ?q=node/13/og_menu/ to observe the JavaScript alert
- ------------------------------------------
Applying the following patch mitigates this issue in version 6.x-2.0
- --- og_menu/og_menu.module 2010-02-09 07:33:31.000000000 -0500
+++ og_menu/og_menu.module 2010-05-06 13:26:44.080266269 -0400
@@ -333,6 +333,7 @@ function og_menu_overview_page($node) {
while ($menu = db_fetch_array($result)) {
$menu['href'] = 'node/'. $node->nid .'/og_menu/'. $menu['menu_name'];
$menu['localized_options'] = array();
+ $menu['description'] = check_plain($menu['description']);
$content[] = $menu;
return theme('admin_block_content', $content);
Vendor Response:
- ----------------
Module has been unpublished per SA-CONTRIB-2010-073.
- --
Justin C. Klein Keane