Among the things that Document::shutdown() does, |view()->dispose()| is called:
From /third_party/WebKit/Source/core/frame/FrameView.cpp:
void FrameView::dispose() {
// FIXME: Do we need to do something here for OOPI?
HTMLFrameOwnerElement* ownerElement = m_frame->deprecatedLocalOwner();
// TODO(dcheng): It seems buggy that we can have an owner element that
// points to another Widget.
if (ownerElement && ownerElement->ownedWidget() == this)
In addition to what Daniel said, not clearing the owner's widget when it doesn't match the document's view is dangerous -- this logic means there are 2 cases:
1. ownerElement->ownedWidget() == document_in_shutdown->view()
The frame element's widget is cleared during Document::shutdown(). The widget update is suspended and executed in a safe state.
2. ownerElement->ownedWidget() != document_in_shutdown->view()
The frame element's widget is left intact during Document::shutdown(). Instead, it's cleared in LocalFrame::createView when a new view is created for the navigated frame shortly thereafter. This is unsafe because clearing the widget may destroy a plugin and run script, allowing an attacker to violate invariants.
The attached exploit works in:
Chrome 56.0.2924.21 (Beta)
Chrome 56.0.2924.18 (Dev)
Chromium 57.0.2948.0 + Pepper Flash (Release build compiled today)