Author: AmesianX in
Document Link:
Version: 2012-06-28 (NowTime: 0-Day)
Tested on: IE 9.0, Chrome, FireFox
Patch on:2012-07-02
1. click the E-Mail Write Button
2. Upload file (Only important : BigAttachFile menu)
- Second upload button(BigAttachFile) is non-flash uploading files.
- upload filename is "play.txt" of 8 byte.
3. Proxing and Injection
- Standby BurpProxy Capture-ON
- Click the Email Send Button
- Let's see the "bigattachcontent=" value in burpproxy.
- Change "play.txt" string
- "play.txt" --> %22%20onmousemove=%22alert('test')%22%20
4. Injection 2
- Let's see the "bigattachcontent=" value in burpproxy.
- Change "8 Byte" string
- "B" --> %3E
5. off the proxy and send email.
6. let's open the email and move your mouse cursor near around the
attachment file.
- attend "onmousemove event"
7. reference: click documentation above Document Link (Korean Language)