### 0x01 漏洞概述
NETGEAR 是美国知名的路由器生产商,其产品在世界范围内使用广泛。近日,国外安全研究员 Simon Kenin 发现NETGEAR路由器多个系列存在密码泄露漏洞(CVE-2017-5521)。当路由器密码恢复功能被禁用以及启用远程管理时漏洞能够被触发。
### 0x02 漏洞影响
### 0x03 影响版本
- AC1450 V1.0.0.34_10.0.16 (Latest)
- AC1450 V1.0.0.22_1.0.10
- AC1450 V1.0.0.14_1.0.6
- D6400 V1.0.0.44_1.0.44 (V1.0.0.52_1.0.52 and above not affected)
- D6400 V1.0.0.34_1.3.34
- D6400 V1.0.0.38_1.1.38
- D6400 V1.0.0.22_1.0.22
- DC112A V1.0.0.30_1.0.60 (Latest)
- DGN2200v4 V1.0.0.24_5.0.8 (V1.0.0.66_1.0.66 is latest and is not affected)
- JNDR3000 V1.0.0.18_1.0.16 (Latest)
- R6200 V1.0.1.48_1.0.37 (V1.0.1.52_1.0.41 and above are not affected)
- R6200v2 V1.0.1.20_1.0.18 (V1.0.3.10_10.1.10 is latest and is not affected)
- R6250 V1.0.1.84_1.0.78 (V1.0.4.2_10.1.10 is latest and is not affected)
- R6300 V1.0.2.78_1.0.58 (Latest)
- R6300v2 V1.0.4.2_10.0.74 (V1.0.4.6_10.0.76 is latest and is patched)
- R6300v2 V1.0.3.30_10.0.73
- R6700 V1.0.1.14_10.0.29 (Latest beta)
- R6700 V1.0.0.26_10.0.26 (Latest stable)
- R6700 V1.0.0.24_10.0.18
- R6900 V1.0.0.4_1.0.10 (Latest)
- R7000 V1.0.6.28_1.1.83 (V1.0.7.2_1.1.93 is latest and is patched)
- R8300 V1.0.2.48_1.0.52
- R8500 V1.0.2.30_1.0.43 (V1.0.2.64_1.0.62 and above is patched)
- R8500 V1.0.2.26_1.0.41
- R8500 V1.0.0.56_1.0.28
- R8500 V1.0.0.20_1.0.11
- VEGN2610 V1.0.0.35_1.0.35 (Latest)
- VEGN2610 V1.0.0.29_1.0.29
- VEGN2610 V1.0.0.27_1.0.27
- WNDR3400v2 V1.0.0.16_1.0.34 (V1.0.0.52_1.0.81 is latest and is not affected)
- WNDR3400v3 V1.0.0.22_1.0.29 (V1.0.1.2_1.0.51 is latest and is not affected)
- WNDR3700v3 V1.0.0.38_1.0.31 (Latest)
- WNDR4000 V1.0.2.4_9.1.86 (Latest)
- WNDR4500 V1.0.1.40_1.0.68 (Latest)
- WNDR4500v2 V1.0.0.60_1.0.38 (Latest)
- WNDR4500v2 V1.0.0.42_1.0.25
- WGR614v10 V1.0.2.60_60.0.85NA (Latest)
- WGR614v10 V1.0.2.58_60.0.84NA
- WGR614v10 V1.0.2.54_60.0.82NA
- WN3100RP V1.0.0.14_1.0.19 (Latest)
- WN3100RP V1.0.0.6_1.0.12
- Lenovo R3220 V1.0.0.16_1.0.16 (Latest)
- Lenovo R3220 V1.0.0.13_1.0.13
### 0x04 漏洞验证
### 0x05 漏洞影响分布
我们于 2017-02/03 使用 ZoomEye 网络空间搜索引擎搜索 Netgear 得到了2249273条结果,发现仍旧受影响的路由器有5065个,归属于81个国家。
表中出现次数最多的密码是 password ,这个密码就是NETGEAR路由器默认密码,也就是说这些受影响的路由器中有744个使用的是默认密码,其中美国占有267个,科威特占有173个。