### Multiple vulnerabilities in technology #Intellian (CVE-2019-17269, CVE-2020-7980,CVE-2020-7999, CVE-2020-8000, CVE-2020-8001)
**"Intellian Aptus Web"**
**Vulnerabilities identified**
1) Credencials harcoded ( CVE-2020-8000)
Path, Resource: _**http:// <host>/include_js/bim_web_svc_auth.js?**_
2) _**RCE ( CVE-2020-7980)**_
Reference: https://sku11army.blogspot.com/2020/01/intellian-aptus-web-rce-
Path explotable: http://<host>/cgi-bin/libagent.cgi?type=J
Variable vuln: Q
poc: Request to service web
**Tested in :**
_**"Intellian, Aptus Web V100 v1.24"
"Intellian, Aptus Web V80 v1.24"**_
**_**"Intellian APTUS Mobile App"**
PoC with app version: 1.0.2
Static analysis. (Only decompiling the "* .apk")
Descompile code with tools: "jadx-gui" and modSF
**Vulnerabilities identified**
**1) Credentials harcoded ( CVE-2020-8001 )**
Testing/check the credentials:
- user: masteruser
- pass: intellian
2) API Key harcoded ( CVE-2020-7999 )
> _**package** com.uniwebs.network.define; **classe** : UpdateProtocol()_
public static String DOWNLOAD_API_KEY = "F4O5c7wGpOk8lmevm6LoWAXeIx6In+Qi";
public static String FILE_DOWNLOAD_API_KEY = "SdAXizuDB4STYpcxRwWwsA==";
**"Intellian Remote Access" **
El aplicativo web utilizado para la gestion y administracion de las terminales
satelitales de la firma _**Intellian **_ cuenta con una vulnerabilidad critica
(y facil de explotar). Es decir, el aplicativo permite realizar Ejecucion de
comandos remotos (RCE)
RCE: (** **CVE-2019-17269)**
**In The wild !**
shodan dorks: _title:"Intellian Remote Access"_
## **_Access to device:_**

RCE; Step by steap
a) problem !
b) no problem :)
**Easy Tool !**